Proposal for March 2022
Project members :[ @lamour]&[ @laurapnz]
TOTAL HOURS : = 56 HOURS = 72 NEAR (N= $10.06)
New Arrox t-shirt designs have been finalized and sent and we are currently waiting for a scheduled time slot with our printer, so this month we will be chasing this also and printing the t-shirts. We have confirmed a cost with the printers and we are now aware of the additional budget required. Our original approximate cost was around 615 euros after discussing with our printer and now it is 889 euros for 108 t-shirts due to complexity of the design and wanting a more quality product, which works better for our designs also. We did not want to sacrifice the outcome of the design, so we feel now we have reached a happy middle ground. We will require an additional 274 euros to cover the cost of printing new Arroz merchandise t-shirts. (See also Report Arroz Merchandise February 2022).
We will continue working with the new shop staff member on a trial basis. The commitment to shop hours has been at times challenging for the new staff, so for this month we are extending the trial period. We are also going to be spending time potentially recruiting a second shop staff member to job share to be certain we stick to a reliable timetable of opening hours over the coming months (new candidates and interviews tbc). In the meantime as well as establishing regular time tables, we will also be creating documents with pricing/stock count/cash handling procedures for training and management purposes. Documents are also to be shared amongst key team Arroz staff members to enable a community ran store.
Feedback from the trial of February also found that we will continue to communicate with the events team on times and dates as the schedule increases. We are also continuing to work alongside Luisa (social media at Arroz) to keep regular updates on opening hours and promotional posts. At particular special events myself (Lamour) and Laura (Laurapnz) will work in the shop ourselves to keep check on how things are progressing and keep up to date on where improvements can be made. For example we are excited to be opening the shop during our Women’s week event starting on 8th March!.
Regular catch meetings are to be held throughout the month to brainstorm ideas such as new merchandise products, ideas for shop layout, general feedback. We will also be sourcing some new furniture for the store as we gain more products. We will be needing new ideas for display both inside the store and outside the store on sunny days.
We are also going to be designing and creating alternative signage to attract further attention to the store. We decided that we needed some further signage at the bar area and at the entrance of the studios, potentially by the ticket office and outside the main entrance to passersby even when the studio is closed. We are also needing to source and buy neon signage and this works well with the image and theme of the store. Along with this we are in the continuation of design for stand alone store signs and sourcing recycled materials for this. Currently in touch with printers on the best options to make the main sign durable and long lasting.
Updates to be made to the decorative drawings on the glass windows of the shop. An idea to encourage members of the community to add their art work and regularly change the drawings and enable more community involvement and running of the shop. To be kept updated and fresh!
Once t-shirts are received by the end of this month we are going to also be carrying out another photo shoot for further social media content and additional mintbase store products uploads. Once all items are uploaded onto the mintase store by the end of the month we are hopefully going to be in the position of a big push on marketing and social media for the mint base store alone with Luisa. Along with this we are in the process of discussing agreements on commission for products as well making sure each member has a NEAR wallet and regularly checks for items being sold online or in person. We are making sure shop staff are able to discuss and suggest a NEAR wallet option for customers on face to face sales as well. Another idea is for the sales of vinyl in store and on mintbase we are going to be offering demos and bandcamp links to hear the music before you buy!
After feedback on further Arroz merchandise items to add to the store, we are also beginning the process of brainstorming and designing alternative merchandise such as socks, tote bags and possibly cigarette lighters! (a much requested item by members and customers…). We are also going to be using this month to fill the shop with further products as it needs to be kept full as items sell.