[PROPOSAL, approved by HoM] Globe DAO Funding Request to House of Merit for June

Hello Everyone!

I am presenting this June proposal to the House of Merit & NDC on behalf of Globe DAO. This marks the final proposal to NDC following the Enforcer’s announcement about NDC Sunset. However, we have been actively working on transitioning Globe DAO accordingly. It’s important to note that June will pose challenges for our regional communities. Due to this uncertainty, we are not sure about the future financial support. Therefore, in June, we are halting all experiments with NEW and LOW TIER communities (Tier D & Tier E). However, e will focus on supporting our top-performing communities during this period.

  • Check our CHARTER (Under KPI & Funding Section) to see our KPIs and Tiers.

Near Digital Collective Core Values:

  1. Empowering the ecosystem (for people by people)

  2. Respected by the ecosystem (fair, accountable, transparent, and reliable)

  3. Dedicated to ideas of decentralization (antifragile, scalable, with collective decision-making)

  4. Efficient operation (don’t be a burden; instead, help the Community to be more efficient)

  5. Continuous improvement via weekly iterations (plan, measure results, and adjust continuously)

To evaluate the results, following metrics will be used for tracking individual initiatives’ performance by GLOBE DAO. All the metrics must be attributable to the relevant project/initiative through on-chain activity and off-chain reporting, ensuring GDPR compliance and preserving privacy:

  1. Accounts retention after 1/2/4/8 weeks — the percentage of accounts who continue interacting on the chain over a given time period (higher is better)

  2. Account acquisition cost — budget divided by the number of accounts interacting through the funded initiative (lower is better)

  3. Median number of dApps used by P95 accounts retained for 1+ week (higher is better)

  4. Number of accounts retained for 1+ week using at least three dApps (higher is better)

  5. Social engagement score — some compound metric of the number of posts, likes, and followers/views in social media produced by the users.

For May 2024, the Globe DAO received:

  • 13 Proposals

  • Total amount requested (including council’s remuneration): $37,400

Submission Period : 2 May - 8 May

List of Proposals

  • Here’re the approved once:
Community Proposal LINK Requested Amount
Near Korea [APPROVED] NEAR Korea DAO June 2024 $4000
Near Vietnam [APPROVED] NEAR Vietnam June 2024 $4000
Near Indonesia [APPROVED] NEAR Indonesia June 2024 $4000
Near ES [APPROVED] NEAR ES June 2024 $3200
Near India [APPROVED] NEAR India June 2024 $3200
Near Turkey [APPROVED] NEAR Türkiye June 2024 $4000
Near Ukraine [APPROVED] Near Ukraine Guild Activities for community growth in June 2024 $4000
Renumeration (Aman) [REPORT] Globe DAO Council AMAN April / May $2200
Renumeration (Cizi) [REPORT] Globe DAO Council Cizi April / May $2200
Renumeration (Dery) [REPORT] Globe DAO Council Ihor April / May $2200
Renumeration (Ihor) [REPORT] Globe DAO Council Dery April / May $2200
Renumeration (Hai) [REPORT] Globe DAO Council Hai Apr/ May $2200
Total $37,400

Globe DAO May funding procedure:

:arrow_forward: 2 May - 8 May: Applicants submitted their proposals on NEAR Forum within the suitable category.

:arrow_forward: 8 May - 12 May: GDAO councils reviewed the proposals.

:arrow_forward: 12 May - 13 May: Compiled proposal posted on Forum to HoM & CoA.

:arrow_forward: 13 May - 18 May: HoM & CoA members review the funding request, voting & providing feedbacks.

Once approved, Grassroots DAOs initiate a transfer to NDC Trust.

Disclaimer: Some timelines can be changed.

For KYC/KYB: KYC is required for all applicants and the guide will be provided by HoM and Ops team.



As it is stated here that the deadline for receiving proposals is May 8th.
Therefore, this proposal should be rejected because NEAR Ukraine submitted its proposal on May 11.

Also, there is an arbitrary decision by Globe DAO not to fund any regional community except those under Tier C and Tier B, just because June is the “last month”!


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Hello @MostafaLotfy,

Thank you for writing out your concern, I would be happy to clear your doubt.

As you are also aware, for the past 2 months we have been trying to shift proposals and reports to BOS, but leaders and other applicants are facing issues there. Also, as this was our last month with NDC, we tried to avoid any kind of mess. However, there were few leaders who posted their proposals on BOS for June (Near Ukraine was one of them). They created June Proposal on BOS on 2nd of May: NEAR Ukraine proposal for JUNE on BOS.

While reviewing, I realized that it would be better if we could put all proposals on the forum, as it would be easy for us to review and for Congress and other communities to check everything on one platform. So, I asked the Ukraine team to repost it on the forum again.

Even if it was late, I think date should not be a barrier (already mentioned in the Disclaimer) if any community is working with us with an excellent track record.

There was no such criteria. Also, Near Ukraine guild already lies in Tier B.

Thank you!

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