[PROPOSAL] Application to be Council for Regional Community DAO - Irving Cancino

Hello everyone, thanks for the support.
We are currently in the process of verifying humans and entering the dao for voters. Here more info:
I-am-humna verification: IamHuman - Proof of Personhood Protocol on NEAR
Join to the DAO as a voter: https://map.near.social/


We are already verified at #IamHuman
Let us know how can we help.

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Happy to see your application @irvingcong , all the support to your proposal, my request for joining DAO is now in progress.


My support for @irvingcong who I have the pleasure to collaborate with in several ocassions.

First on the Puerto Vallarta Hackaton last year and this year at the Crypto Carnes hackaton in Monterrey.

Solid work and a lot of hustling to get NEAR to be recognized in Mexico, also recently NEAR was listed on Bitso - the largest CEX in LATAM.

Ready to support him through the Meta Pool DAO.