[APPROVED] Antimétodo - Expondo a Proposta Criativa da Nomade Label

Prostas saindo do forno

@thephilosopher @dazo @filmesdeinfiltracao @Ghini @macieira @Natashacremonese @numadessas


O que acham membro gambiarra?

@iagods @eraquario @cryptoquariux @ViniciusGCP94 @becopro @luixoluixo


congratulatioooooooooons!! friend artwork incrible … im soo happy for youu !


Cool. @thephilosopher will be nice to see gambiarra roadmap for 2022.
Send Gambiarra´s Roadmap to @David_NEAR @Grace @frnvpr or create a post to our community see about your DAO perspective to 2022.
Be transparently is always the better option.
We excite to see!


Very good! Success always!

Thank you, @frado, for your comment. :pray: Did you see our introduction? :smiley:

We are very interested in making everything transparent, here and in astro. I already sent the introduction at the creatives telegram and talked about it on the weekly chat.

Hello @frado
I’m not member of Gambiarra DAO, i just part of the community, and the store!

I completly agree with you, transparence its the core of the whole community.
We brazilians, that are new in this environment, still trying to figure out exacly what is DAO, what is Guild, how to submit a proposal to Astro, and many other questions. I learn everyday, and many times i miss understand something, but but the community itself has being a place to resolve some of those doubts

Could you just, please, explain me what is a roadmap for a DAO?



Very important! Great proposal.


Hi ! how are you? i like noise music, great job!
about roadmap:
Choice send in quarters or Annual, like this:


@blusw, would you use gambiarra logo and name (inasmusch as NEAR logo and name) at the recordings or at the meetings themselves? Will there be recordings from the meetings, where they will be accessible (as youtube video) and maybe some minted NFTs on Gambiarra store relative to the process? What do you think of considering these things in your project?


@thephilosopher about NFT minted on Gambiarra store, as a Certificate of participation will be an art piece, created on the workshops.
The recorded video will be posted on Youtube, and if there will a Gambiarra Youtube channel, the videos could be available on this medium.

On forward proposals, we could develop more detailed krafts on tokenization(Minting as a counter part its not relevant at this time, in my perspective).
Crypto ticket on future, who knows??? that will be great, but i cant promise something bigger than i can do.
For now, with this budget, and this timeframe, short notices deadlines, i think this proposal is very high qualified artistic and educational content, and it was almost a miracle to join all this artist, that are on nomadelabel and at GAMBIARRA store as well.
For now this is a pilot, could be the first project of a series of workshops with other gambiarra members, i just decided to invite people that im planing for a long time to realize this kind of project. I never thought that will be possible in a enviroment like this one here.

Diego de Los Campos is minting wonderful works, Fernanda also has two pieces at gambiarra.

I think we are focused on interesting meters, that could benefit all artist community around gambiarra and near friends, cause this is the target public for attending this workshops, and the subjects are two topics very important on contemporary art:

Technology - creative programing brings freedom for digital artists, like us :slight_smile:
Diego de los Campos is the teacher of a generation of Florianópolis’s artists, specially the ones who deals with tech, experimental supports, arduino, physical works… and so on

Body - Performance art is a sec XX art form that reconstruct the notions of art, and in the present proposal, Fernanda Valdivieso work 10 years mixing medias(performance and social media as an art frame) and most recently, she has being dedicated to teaching performance.

Im not sure if this proposal feats on this DAO, but i hope this kind of proposal could inspire future ideas.
Any question about some specific details that i wasént clear, please ask me again.
I’m trying my best to overcome my issues with writing
Thanks for comprehension


Here you are, i sold your request:

I thinking this comment apply for this post too:

if you please, as a guild/dao leader, could you forward this message to the designer that made this media, to post here on high resolution?


Yes, I can, my friend. @Natashacremonese would you send to @blusw our logo in high resolution?


yes @thephilosopher its ok


ZOOM Pro account invoice =

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Zoom Account Number: 5023091008
Payment Method: Credit Card
Payment Date: 01/31/2022
Amount: $149.90


Sorry, Blu, as we said on gambiarra telegram, a proposal is only funded after it is approved by gambiarra (and your proposal is already approved by gambiarra) and after the funding request is successful (and we did not receive any answers about the funding proposal for now by the creatives). I would wait for the funding in order to spend in the project.

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Hi @thephilosopher, thanks the comment.

I’m aware that i’m taking the risk to invest on this ZOOM account now, but I must work on my schedule, the class starts next week, and in the mean time, i must traveller south to take care of family matters. Than i have no time to wait and also i found a promotional price on my mailbox, so i could’nt resist.

So i just wanna to show the steps of production that i’m taking.
If it will be a mistake to do it, at least i can try to justify next months grants, as retroactive payment.

I will notice other teachers, about the possibility of not getting founds.
In one way or another, I will do my lecture(about music philosophy “Filofonia”), and i hope to see gambiarra members, and other users of this community, on this meeting, to share knowledge and experiences with other humans :slight_smile:


Maybe it got a little confused, but this account is not from Gambiarra (it’s logged into the philofonia account, a personal project), because I’m not a member, but I’m ALSO making it available for other gambiarra actions, but also OTHER activities, requested in advance subject to availability.

The email for appointments is: filofoniamf@gmail.com

I still don’t know if I’ll always have to be present at a meeting to make it happen, so if so, I’ll have to have this time availability, if not, it’s easier to schedule.

-another possible project to monetize for the DAO treasury, would be to buy such a plan, and rent it to those who want to budget for their projects, just as I did to execute my project of the Quintas Paralelas in the metaverse, I rented Parcel do Vandal, which it’s from NxM DAO, who gave the resources to my project.

charging a rent for use, the money goes back to the DAO, and with good fund management, it can further favor the financial health of the group.

-just to share what i have told Gambiarra - MintBase telegram members about how i pretend to use this account.


estarei presente na aula de programação criativa!
to bem curiosa :slight_smile:


It’s available for 4 days, the replay from tuesday’s class.
Updated on 10th feb, on our Quintas Paralelas | Linktree

Esta disponivel por uma semana a reprise da aula de terça-feira, até segunda dia 14

Tópico: Programação Criativa com Diego de los Campos - Antimétodo - Nomade Label
Data: 8 fev. 2022 06:52 da tarde São Paulo

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