OWS Fund Request [October]

Dear community,

I would like to provide a detailed breakdown of the OWS funds distribution in September and make a request for the month of October that equals 3,833 NEAR.

(September report for reference)

The following OWS needs have to be covered on a monthly basis. These include:

  • 1. Moderator pay: 6,000 USD

How did we arrive at this figure?

Based on the previous months, Sandbox moderators have been rewarded 800 USD for the commitment of min 10h per week: Community Acknowledgement [July]. That results in 4,800 USD
On top of that, In September we have launched 4 new language channels on the Discord Server: Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, and for the region of India. To moderate these channels in the native language we onboarded 3 new language coordinators: @FritzWorm @Monish016 @DSkye (=moderators) who will be monthly rewarded 400 USD for the commitment of min 5-7h per week. That adds extra 1,200 USD to the moderator section.

  • 2. Rolling rewards (standard tasks available for everyone each month): 30,000 USD

How did we arrive at this figure?

*Note: max amount has been limited to 300 USD per contributor for these tasks in order to allocate more budget to the project-requested tasks: 30,000 USD (in August OWS has approved 77 submissions. In September this number reached 87. Assuming possible growth we assume a max of 100 submissions in October. Capped at 300 USD per contributor gives 30,000 USD. Should engagement grow faster than expected and cause more than 100 submissions, the OWS Treasury funds (=5000N) will cover it.

  • 3. Payouts to contributors working on requests of NEAR-based projects: 12,000 USD

How did we arrive at this figure?

As of September, the OWS has shifted its focus from general reward opportunities to more targeted project work that we believe will better support the NEAR ecosystem with more focused actions from the Sandboxers as compared to free-floating initiatives captured by the rolling opportunities. To motivate projects come to us and deploy OWS funds, we raised the amount from 1000 USD to 1500 USD per project/per month. Projects available in September are represented in the infographic below:

To sum up

This three elements sum up to 48,000 USD which should have been OWS initial request for September. From September OWS DAO has 2395N left to be used. 5000N is preserved as Treasure for emergencies. To come to the estimated amount of 48,000 USD, we are requesting an additional of 29,974 USD or 3,833 NEAR (converted by that rate of 18/10/21: 1NEAR= 7,82 USD).

Please let me know if any further clarification is desired.




well the OWS is trying their best to improve on the project, we do appreciate and gladly say thanks for the rolling opportunities. any further comment will be given below

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Who is actually moderator on Russian community? I see @p0k there. I understand that Russian tread just opened , but there just couple messages

Do you wanna pay 400$ for that?

Also, @p0k has dedicated work in his gulid and degen gulid (one of supervisor) (40+40 = 80 hrs a week) .
Why did you hire so busy person ? And why did you choose him? Could you please show a link with information about this position. Hope it was open transparent process. Right ?

And @p0k as you speak Russian please be proactive , review all requests form Russian speaking people and help me eliminate scammers from here.

Thank You


Not everyone actually. But here I see totally neglect of transparency policy.

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Dear Dacha, hi there!

As we have multiple Russian-speaking team members, we are all taking care of the Russian channel to some extent. However @p0k has proven his commitment to the OWS from inception, so it will be him mostly moderating the channel. This is basically one of his core responsibilities within the team on top of other matters he is helping us. Moreover, he is NOT receiving extra rewards for moderating the Russian channel, it is included in his OWS moderator role already (please do take a good look at the graphics I provided above: we request extra rewards for only three moderators, while we opened 4 language channels - @p0k is not included). As for why we have chosen him - as mentioned before he has been proactively engaged, interested in the project and he has our trust. In OWS we reward people who show interest, execute and support others. Maybe one day that could be you too?

When it comes to the other three members - yes, you understand correctly. We do want to pay them exactly 400USD for the support they are providing with moderating the channels, reviewing rewards claims of other Sandboxers at the end of the month in their native language, and general marketing support.

All the best,