[OPEN CALL] Máquina de Inscrever - Inscription Machine - Colaborações Sonoras - sound collaborations

Greetings beings who navigate the near ecosystem. Open call for sound collaborations for a radio art program in podcast format

Introducing the project

The podcast Inscription Machine is produced and edited by Paloma Klisys with the participation of several artists and collaborators. They are hour-long programs without the conventional radio markings, stimulating listeners to exercise an out-of-the-ordinary sensory listening in relation to traditional vehicles.

The first edition of Inscription Machine was published in March 2016. Currently, the 17th episode of the podcast is being prepared, which will be available on the main podcast aggregator platforms and has access logs from all over the world, several regions of Brazil and all continents.

The podcast title refers to the activity of inscribing, as if leaving a trace, working with several discursive layers and perspectives about relevant themes for public discussion.

The podcast is produced with the participation of artists and collaborators from the most varied regions of Brazil, which makes the proposal stand out for the plurality of realities and accents.

The programs are composed of various sources and materials, such as public domain sound files, sound contributions from Brazilian artists and other nationalities who work with sound experimentation, poets and writers from different regions of the country, audios leaked from WhatsApp groups, drifts made in the most diverse environments and sound pieces produced from urban drifts in the cities through which Paloma and the collaborators travel.

This project proposes a special series of 3 episodes every two months, faithful to the concept that has guided the research of languages that originated the artistic creation of the 16 episodes produced and published so far.

Each one-hour (60-minute) episode of the Inscription Machine will present material produced by Paloma and by collaborators, contemplating a variety of lines of aesthetic, poetic, and philosophical research. Among the collaborators participating in this collective work are architects, philosophers, poets, writers, performing arts professionals, researchers in graduate programs, educators, musicians, and professionals in various fields of knowledge. They will be invited to produce their contributions based on thematic universes proposed by Paloma, who is responsible for the conception and production of the podcast.

The proponent intends to continue producing content on an ongoing basis as a new network of artists and researchers within the NEAR ecosystem is articulated, extrapolating the context of Portuguese language production and eventually producing polyglot versions of the program in podcast format with people from different regions of the world collaborating in several languages.

Submissions on any subject

Audios up to 4 min long
Anything goes: leaked audios from WhatsApp or Telegram groups, interview files, fragments of creative processes, fragments of drifts, turning on the recorder and talking to yourself, recording other people’s conversations, reading excerpts from books, poems, reflections, provocations, etc. …

Deadline: 07/28
Send files via wetransfer to:

There will be a virtual meeting via ZOOM with the collaborators on July 6th at 8:00pm. It is not necessary to participate in this meeting to send sound collaborations.

2 USD per minute of audio in DAI, symbolic remuneration.

To listen to the podcast access: www.maquinadeinscrever.com

Máquina de Inscrever

Chamada para artistxs e pesquisadorxs inseridos no ecossistema near.

Chamada para
colaborações sonoras

Tema Livre

Áudios com até 4 min de duração

Vale tudo: áudios vazados de grupos de WhatsApp ou Telegram, arquivos de entrevistas, fragmentos de processos criativos, fragmentos de derivas, ligar o gravador e falar sozinho, gravação de conversas alheias, leituras de trechos de livros, poemas, reflexões, provocações, etc…

Dead line : 28/07
Enviar arquivos via wetransfer para:

Haverá um encontro virtual via ZOOM com os colaboradorxs dia 6/07 as 20:00hs. Não é necessário participar deste encontro para enviar colaborações sonoras.


Yeahssss go Go gooooo :fire::heart::raised_hands::star_struck:


such a nice project!

i was just wondering it would be good to inform the time zone of the meeting and how people can subscribe to it here in the post.

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Heloo Esttheriorizada ! Thanks for your enthusiasm! :slight_smile:

today at 8pm on the nomade label youtube channel link to enter the zomm meeting will be in the descriptions

and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEaTHXhWF-aAuLaBKL3vw5Q


@igormoura look over hereeeeeeeee :v::sunglasses:


yeah! gracias
bora bora let’s go

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Link para entrar na reunião do zoom:

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Screen Shot 2022-07-07 at 08.21.16

O encontro do dia 6/07 no Zoom foi transmitido via YouTube, contou com a participação de nove colaboradores e teve quase duas horas de duração.

O vídeo com o encontro terá as legendas em inglês ativadas e ficará disponível a pessoas interessadas no canal da Nomade Label e no canal da Máquina de Inscrever no YouTube.

Uma ata com a síntese dos principais encaminhamentos que surgiram durante o encontro será compartilhada nos próximos dias.

A open coll para o envio de colaborações sonoras segue ativa até o dia 28/07.

As colbaborações devem ter até 4 minutos de duração. Tema livre. Aceitamos áudios em qualquer idioma.

Existe um grupo de WhatsApp aberto a participação de pessoas interessadas em interagir e compartilhar informações relacionadas ao conteúdo dos programas.

Link de acesso: WhatsApp Group Invite

Seguiremos adiante

The meeting on July 6th at Zoom was broadcasted via YouTube, attended by nine collaborators and lasted almost two hours.

The video of the meeting will have English subtitles activated and will be available to interested people on the Nomade Label channel and on the Subscription Machine YouTube channel.

Minutes with a summary of the main points of view that emerged during the meeting will be shared in the coming days.

The open collab is still active until July 28th.

The collaborations must be up to 4 minutes long. Free theme. We accept audios in any language.

There is a WhatsApp group open to people interested in interacting and sharing information related to the content of the programs.

Access link: WhatsApp Group Invite

We will move on

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