[Official Thread] Zavodil Node

Permanent 1% fee from community-friendly node zavodil.poolv1.near launched by early NEAR adopter, who made popular NEAR toolings and dapps.

General information

  • Organization Name: Zavodil
  • Official Website: https://zavodil.ru
  • Location: Earth
  • Languages: English, Russian

Communication Channels

NEAR articles and tools

Technical Information:

  • Staking Pool Address: zavodil.poolv1.near
  • Fees: 1%
  • Infrastructure: 2 servers (8 VCPU, 32 GB RAM, 240 GB NVMe SSD): primary + backup server

NEAR Multisender Tool NEAR Multisender Tool introduced


NEAR Zavodil node

  • Only 1% service fee, highest network ARP.
  • 3 high performance nodes always online located in Germany and Finland.
  • 24/7 service. Global network monitoring (e.g. @nearup and @nearup_pro).
  • Strong NEAR support: votes for tokens unlock, storage cost reduce, first tooling for lockup staking and official web wallet.
  • No whales, 800+ regular delegators. No any corpo dependencies or affiliations.
  • Maximum compounding rates for delegators because of self ping calls on every new epoch.
  • Additional rewards from the Marlin gateway

Details: https://near.zavodil.ru
Delegate now: NEAR Wallet

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