New token factory in mainnet (

New and Improved Token Factory.

Token Factory was redesigned from scratch to give users an excellent user experience, which is easier to use and with a nice design, with a new smart contract already deployed in Mainnet Token Factory is now available for anyone to create in a way simple your own tokens.

This is done by our team in CloudMex Analytics, who has been participating in the past in projects with NEAR Hispano and NEAR education. You can look at the code and github repository here: GitHub - cloudmex/Token-Factory

How do you do this?

It is necessary to have NEAR Wallet with which we will log in to Token Factory.

Once logged in we will go to the “New Token” section where we will find a form with the information of the new token that you want to create such as its name, symbol, total supply and Icon, once all these fields have been answered we will click on the “Create Token” button ".

Next, we will calculate the cost for the creation of the new token and if we agree we click on “Create”.

Ready, our new token has been created, to consult all the tokens that have been created in Token Factory we will go to the “All Tokens” section in the navigation bar, all the tokens of the smart contract will be displayed in the form of cards.

To view all the tokens that the user has created, go to “My Tokens” in the navigation bar.

The tokens that we have created can be sent to the NEAR wallet of the user as long as the token that he wants to add has been created by him, for this we go to the token that we want to add, either in “All Tokens” or “My Tokens” and We click on the “Add to NEAR Wallet” button, verify the destination and click on “Allow”, your token should appear in your NEAR Wallet.

Once you have your tokens in your NEAR Wallet, you can send them to other accounts if you want.

Create your own token now!


this is so coooool, gonna go create my $SIMP token :hot_face:


Una página donde un organizador puede hacer airdrops a sus usuarios, estaría muy bien, dónde allí podría poner las condiciones y se podría compartir directamente. Un login con su nearwallet, para poder participar, se me ocurrió.


Will think about it! Sounds a great idea.

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Haha, let me know how I can long $SIMP :rocket:

This is amazing, really great work :muscle:


Looking forward to your (@David_NEAR) $LAMBO token!


:)) great idea, and testnet