NEAR wallet - Localisation/Currency

Last year i posted on the forum with some ideas on changes to the NEAR wallet [Proposal] Near wallet upgrade

i would like to continue this thread and focus on two aspects:


A multi language NEAR wallet will assist in onboarding users. The ability to select your language will also add security and ease of use. @StefanoPepe has kindly produced guidelines for translating the wallet NEAR Wallet // Guidelines discussion · Discussion #2293 · near/near-wallet · GitHub

The first step is to translate the english jason file near-wallet/ at master · near/near-wallet · GitHub


The NEAR wallet currently shows amounts in USD only. The ability to select to display value in your local currency (EUR, RUB, GBP etc) would be a useful upgrade to the wallet. i have submitted a proposal using the official productboard roadmap tool

I would be interested to hear from NEAR devs or anyone with experience of using GitHub who can help to fast track these upgrades.

Currently there is no formal remuneration for this work but i was thinking that maybe the @marketingdao-council could consider offering our first Bounty for this task…


I think localisation is already underway. @corwinharrell do you have more info on this? It would be automatic depending on your region so need need to select I imagine.

@David_NEAR thanks for your reply.

Perhaps i have used the wrong term in Localisation… as i understand it, there are two stages to this:

Translating the text file - this involves translating the text in the core english file on GitHub into another language. For example, english to italiano. When the new language version has been approved it will show in the wallet drop down menu and the user can select manually.

Automatic language selection - a more advanced feature that will load automatically the wallet language version according to the users geographic location.

i am sure someone more technical will have a better answer than me…


Actually, it’s a great proposal. Many people from Ukrainian and Russia communities asking about improvements in Near Wallet, want to see prices in rubles, hryvna and full language localization.

Definitely, support it.


I can attest that this upgrade would be a life saver for onboarding projects here in Portugal :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:


And is there a plan to develop dApp for NEAR wallet? Or it will work in browser only?

I’m not sure there’s a plan for that anytime soon. One feature that has been requested for sometime now is to make a browser extensionfir the wallet (it would be different from NarWallets).

You can check out new features and updates that are either being considered or in the works for NEAR wallet, here: Under consideration - NEAR Wallet Public Roadmap Portal | Product Roadmap

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