Proponent: @JohnX
NEAR account for payment: freedomandflow.near
Project Timeline: March 5th – 31th
Objective: The main objective of this project is to build the third number of NEAR Metaverse Magazine to showcase artists and metaverse events from NEAR.
Justification (benefits): The relevance of this project is because it us a way to systematize and to showcase near artists and metaverse events, with a historical perspective, building a periodical, that could store the relevant information for the future.
The project: To make NEAR Metaverse Magazine #03: a magazine focused on near artists and near events on metaverse, made in a site and in pdf, by screenshots and photos from events and artists and texts about them. We will also publish interviews with near artists and guild leaders with metaverse presence, and a section about tokenomics and near protocol. The idea of this project is to keep building this monthly magazine for future research, stored in our connection center. Beyond that we will print the first edition and make the NFTs available for a price that covers the shipment of the printed edition, but we will need funds to print.
March 5th:
Start curating the artists: music and video.
Start writing the texts.
March 27th:
Launch the magazine.
arch 31st
Accountability report
500 usd in NEAR: Get the material for the magazine (with the DAOs and the artists) and build the magazine (site and pdf) with graphic design with images and texts (form and content) + google form for us to previewsly know all near metaverse events : JohnX
Final Products: . Our products here would be the own online magazine in pdf format minted on mintbase.
Metaverse DAO