[NEAR Hispano Guild] Reimbursement of expenses - June

During the launch of the NEAR Hispano Guild, we had to pay for basic services to get the website and logo ready for launch.

Tasks related to creating the Guild:

  • Coordinating web design and logo - 50 NEAR
  • Setting up web server hosting and email - 50 NEAR

This is a request to reimburse the following expenses, in total it is $ 905 USD.

Web Design: $360 USD
Logo Design: $150 USD
Web hosting for 1 year - $192 USD
Mail hosting - 2 accounts - $24
SSL Certificate - 1 year - $71 USD
Domain for 3 years - $108 USD

Result: https://nearhispano.org/

NEAR Wallet for the reimbursement: hispano.near