NEAR Arabia - Monthly report ( Apr-2021 )

Month: April

Guild Name: NEAR Arabia (Mostafa)

Monthly Highlights:

  • We are currently working on establishing an academy to educate people about blockchain, DApps, programming languages such as RUST, … etc.
    Learning will be in an effective and competitive way through quizzes, leaderboard, and prizes.
    Through this academy, we aspire to attract the largest number of Arab developers to build on NEAR.
    The Academy will also help us to establish partnerships with big organizations.
    have a look (still under development) : أكاديمية كريبتو بالعربي
  • Contacted with several initiatives that presenting by the Ministries of Communications in some Arab countries to discuss ways of cooperation and present a webinar about blockchain and NEAR (still in the negotiation stage).
  • Contacted several hackathon organizers to launch a hackathon for NEAR. A company has been chosen represented by several people who have the passion, enthusiasm, and the necessary experience. Now they are preparing a proposal, I expect it to be ready within 15 days, God willing, and I will forward it to you.
    -Contacted with Meroe Project (they aim to decentralize Sudan economy through blockchain) to discuss ways of cooperation, they have applied for a grant in the NEAR Grant Program.

Video Content:
-شرح لمنصة Paras المختصة فى البطاقت الفنية الرقمية NFT - YouTube
-منصة Paras تخطط لإطلاق عملتها الرقميه - YouTube

Blog Post:
-لغة RUST المميزة لبناء التطبيقات اللامركزيه على شبكه NEAR - كريبتو بالعربي

-Paras تفتح القائمة البيضاء من أجل شراء أولى بطاقات NFT الخاصة بها - كريبتو بالعربي
-حصول مشروع NEAR على ملصق منتج محايد مناخيًا من South Pole - كريبتو بالعربي
-إطلاق جسر Rainbow الذي يربط بين NEAR و Ethereum - كريبتو بالعربي

Stickers: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

List of influencers(Crypto):

Social Media Management and Analytics (Telegram/ Twitter/ Reddit/ Wechat):

Telegram: Telegram: Contact @NEAR_Arabic 1 ( 315 → 366 users )
Held 1 activity: Telegram: Contact @NEAR_Arabic


EOS Arabia April report:

New four articles published to our blog “” and Facebook page:

YouTube channel :

We have created 3 new videos

YouTube statistics for Abril month:

Facebook statistics for Abril month
The good thing we have reached to 1,610 people like the Facebook page and the activity grow up more on posts


Hi Mostafa, are the stickers available on telegram? I think the community members would love to use them. And can you elaborate a bit on the telegram activity and how it drove awareness and engagement to the community?


Hi Eunice, I added the stickers pack on Telegram.
Here is the link: Telegram: Add Sticker Set (I can change the name if you need).

The activity was a contest that required answering questions about NEAR by filling out a form.
This helped raise some awareness of NEAR and got members to search about the project to get the right answer.
the overall engagement was average.

We will work on innovating some other activities and increasing their promotion in the coming weeks, God willing.

Thank you.

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