Monthly Report [November-December] : free horses

Hello, Near Venezuela community
hope you all doing fine

In this report I’ll be presenting my work as a promoter for the month [November-December]

[Report:- 15/11/22 - 12/12/22]

I started my work as a promoter from 15th November respective to my twitter account @OP_Soniankit
Discord:- @the_darrk#9096
Telegram:- @SoniAnkit0

Main objective:-To promote and shill, reach out to other community thorough tweets and telegram as well as convincing them what free horses incubator is capable of.

Activities carried out :-1:

Daily tweets, shilling Instagram as well as Youtube videos, supporting fellow promoters and participating in daily activity and working as a team.

Sometime discussion about ongoing bear market condition and actively participate in each activity and also won many times.

Here is the detailed report of my twitter and my discord activeness.

At the end its was great experience with free horses and joyful too.
looking forward for more opportunity.

Target wallet:- the_darrkk.near
telegram :- @SoniAnkit0