Marketing (Ecosystem) DAO constellation: October's funding round report-request

Good evening! (will update with rest reports)

Marketing DAO Monthly Report by Dacha

  • During October, our primary focus was on the seamless transition to new structures post the NDC elections. The Marketing DAO proactively shaped these structures to align with the evolving needs of the NEAR ecosystem.

  • In line with my ongoing responsibilities, I dedicated substantial time to the review, evaluation, and assessment of over 30 proposals from the NEAR community. This involved a comprehensive analysis of past performance, providing comments, asking questions, and collaborative discussions within the Marketing DAO councils.

  • Regular meetings, held every Tuesday with additional calls scheduled as necessary, facilitated effective communication within the team.

  • Active participation continued in the review of community proposals submitted on the forum, following our established review process. Additionally, I played a crucial role in crafting the budget proposed for the October funding request and engaged in follow-up communications with NDC homes such as HoM, CoA, and NDC Trust.

  • Maintaining regular correspondence with the Marketing DAO council, advisors, trustees, NDC & NF liaisons, and other ecosystem stakeholders ensured a proactive response to current inquiries and alignment with priorities.

  • October marked a month of substantial change as we actively worked to align with and support the new NDC governance structure. Our collective efforts are directed towards the goal of building a stronger and more inclusive NEAR community and ecosystem for the benefit of all stakeholders.