How To Create a Sputnik DAO 
As you may know, Sputnik DAO is a new model for decentralized autonomous organizations (councils). Leveraging the power of NEAR to deliver a smooth user experience, our community experiments with governance / coordination mechanisms enabled by on-chain technology. Perhaps there will be many constellations of Sputnik DAOs?
Step 1: Get Your Contract-Based NEAR Wallet
Step 2: Get Funded via Sputnik DAO Platform
Navigate to Sputnik.Fund
If you land on the homepage (showing a list of Sputnik DAOs), you can browse to discover councils that seem aligned with your purpose. There might already be a Sputnik DAO for distributing resources to participants like you. We hope you check out some proposals, and feel free to submit your own! Here is an example related to the Open Sourcerers…
Proposal 51

To instantiate your council and launch a Sputnik DAO, you can submit a proposal to acquire 30+ NEAR from an existing Sputnik DAO.
Unlike other blockchains, data storage is built into NEAR protocol to mitigate the problem of chain bloat. For that reason, you need at least 30 NEAR (currently) in each Sputnik DAO.
Step 3: Create a DAO
After you get funded, return to Sputnik DAO platform and click the purple “Change DAO” button.
Then, you will see a list of DAOs under a red button to create a new DAO.
Click that red button, and you will see this “Add New DAO” modal, where initial configuration is going to happen. See below for descriptions of each parameter.
DAO Name
This refers to a sputnikdao.near contract instance. Whatever you input here will be the human-readable account ID of that DAO, for example: name.sputnikdao.near
Why DAO? Maybe indicate a specific goal related to an established project?
These .near accounts will be initial members of the DAO’s council, and each member gets one vote on every proposal. Participants can be added / removed from a council. We recommend keeping the council small (3-5 members). By default, majority rule is the policy for all votes.
Minimum amount required to submit a proposal to the council. When a proposal gets approved, this amount is returned. However, if rejected, it goes into the DAO account.
Vote Period
Number of hours that proposals are open for voting. After this amount of time, proposals expire.
Grace Period
Number of hours after the vote period, in which council members can vote 'NO" to cancel a payout. This provides an opportunity to speak up when a decision is almost finalized.
Amount to Transfer
To create your DAO, send at least 30 NEAR to your new contract instance. After your DAO is launched, anyone may transfer NEAR using its human-readable account ID, like this: name.sputnikdao.near
What Next?
How might your DAO fit into a bigger picture of Sputnik DAOs? Will you help our community develop meaningful solutions?
Let us know any ideas or questions!