Hi everyone! we’re happy to announce the release of Nearscope latest version. Here is a list with the new features:
- Testnet network support
- Added new currencies
- Several UI/UX improvements
Network dashboard:
- Network overall performance chart
- Validator list with All validators option (active, proposal, kickout)
- Added columns to validators list: APY, stake ratio, …
Delegator page:
- Account info card improvements
- New charts: unstaked balance, total earnings, validators commission
Validator page:
- New badges for displaying update and pool size warnings
- Added synchronization info
- New charts: connected peers, blocks/chunks production, network commission, APY, earnings, …
- New delegations section with:
- charts: stake distribution, stake concentration, liquid pools data
- delegators list
Always willing to hear from the community, contact us at blockscope@protonmail.com
For a more visual explanation visit our recent blog post: