[June][Report] Instagram Community Accounts

Instagram Community Accounts Monthly Report

Month : June

  1. Hashags Visibility
  2. Account Statistics
  3. Connect with Us

Hashtags Visibility

[May → June]

Tags May June Growth %
#NEARProtocol 16317 18042 9.6
#NEARnft 15250 16869 9.6
#NEARnews 2410 2987 19.3
#NEARcoin 2088 2401 13
#NEARtrading 2011 2352 14.5

Account Statistics

Sr. No. IG handle May Followers June Followers June Posts
1 @nearcircle 1017 1140 70
2 @near_insights 937 1054 57
3 @trending.near 593 706 50
4 @near_crypto 690 907 48
5 @nearianada 590 651 81
6 @nearprotocolnews 495 535 26

3. Connect with Us

Telegram Group: Telegram: Contact @nearig
Submission Form for requesting IG Posts: NEAR | Instagram Posts Request
