[July Monthly Report] Artemis - Elearning (July 04 - July 29 - 2022)

In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:

Proposal Near - Artemis

Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano. @Cristian

Project members
Maria Gutierrez - Marialegg.near
Jorge Cuauro - Jorgeluiscuauro.near
Juan Ochando - Jochando.near

Artemis Monthly Progress – Elearning
This month we worked on the evaluation process to obtain the certificate, where it was validated if the mark is below 10, it is failed and cannot receive the certificate, to obtain the certificate the mark must be greater than 10 points, when approves the evaluation, the certificate is issued with the instructor’s signature and you can download the certificate or minteo.

Work was carried out in the process of using a pass to present the evaluation again when it is failed, where the amount of the certification is discounted again in the contract.
The dapp was transferred to a server to carry out the validations and tests of the entire process and all the corrections of the observations of the validating users were made.