In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
Proposal Near - Artemis
Report week 2 of month 4 E-learning Artemis
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano. @Cristian
Project members
Maria Gutierrez - Marialegg.near
Jorge Cuauro - Jorgeluiscuauro.near
Juan Ochando - Jochando.near
Goals achieved in week 2 of month 4
Work was done on the vue layout of the grade validation process at the time of submitting the evaluation, when the grade is below 10, the screen that did not pass is displayed and it shows the option to resubmit the evaluation with a pass, where upon accepting the cost of the certificate is charged again, corrections were worked on in the process to generate the certificates, where all the certificates obtained are listed and the minteo is performed from the learning screen.
Modifications were made in the function that allows the certificate to be generated, where it is validated that the person passed the exam, the errors that were occurring and did not allow the image of the certificate to be displayed were solved, the functionality of the digital signature that is attached was improved on the certificate.
Work was done on the function for the purchase of the certification, where modifications were made so that when the person fails the evaluation, they must buy another pass to present it again, from the contract the certification discount is made and it is enabled again for that presents the evaluation, the image of the certificate is stored in node and in the contract it makes the call to the link of the image to show it.