[Invitation] Open Web House powered by NEAR + Aurora

¡Hello NEAR Family!

This is an open invite to anyone interested on attend the coming Open Web House in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, México. The team of Open Web Academy has been working during the last months to enhance the community on Latam of NEAR and Aurora, this event is a major for community organization.

If you are interested to learn more about Web 3 on NEAR, start buidling your project, and having presence on Latam, Open Web House and Cripto Mexico is the perfect place for you.

¡The 3rd edition of Open Web House by NEAR goes to the Moon!

Monterrey is a high tech city on Latin America, one of the closes to the USA frontier, and where the next plant of Tesla will be installed. That made this city the perfect venue for Open Web House.

In this edition we are enhancing the experience of Open Web House, by providing a mix of tracks
that can create solutions for BOS + NEAR + Aurora.

We partnered with Cripto Mexico and more great people

In a very close partner, we co-organized Cripto Mexico, a huge effort that gathered many Web 3 actors on México, including the Open Web House participants.

Meta Pool have presence as speaker, mentor and bounty proposer of the event. @claudioac, co founder of the liquid staking protocol, will attend during the event as speaker.

MXWEB3, a local community of Web 3 is supporting as media partner to spread the word and gather people to participate.

The agenda goes as the following:

Open Web House: 24th, 25th and 26th - May.
Cripto México: 27th - May.

Supporting BOS, NDC and NEAR Horizon

Our metrics our proper to those who are aligned to the NEAR ecosystem. OWH propose tracks that can onboard more people in the ecosystem. Here the tracks: owh-retos/2023-05-monterrey at main · open-web-academy/owh-retos · GitHub

The metrics for us are the following:

  • ‘#’ of NEAR wallets created
  • ‘#’ of near.social profiles created
  • ‘#’ of BOS builders onboarded
  • ‘#’ of NEAR Horizon projects published
  • ‘#’ of i-am-human verifications

The merch is ready :metal:

We has been working with @kitachi5258 for designing the best merch for the event. Here you can have some alphas around that.

Thanks to marketing DAO for making this possible

@marketingdao-council has been a high supporter for making this event possible, since the first edition. Surely the improvement is a work in progress, but happy to collaborate to make this every time better.

See you soon at Monterrey :cut_of_meat:

If you are interested to come, feel free to DM me to know more about the venue, hotels, flights and others. We will be happy to receive you at México :mexico:


New people are always joining and the ecosystem continues to grow!

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Awesome! Congratulations for the event!! :smiley:


Mexico is booming, and we cannot “loose territory” against other Layer ones built on Rust who are building Community, Workshops, Hackathons

This event is great, what OWA is doing is great however we need more traction, we need massive traction and we have a plan how to achieve it together with all the projects and people building together with @BuidlersClub @Bancambios and many more we can attract more Devs, Entrepreneurs, Creatives, Buidlers.

Ping me to draft an adoption plan.


We are still waiting for OWA to collaborate, we requested support with a 1-2 hour Dev explaining BOS at our event, but they have not replied.
They don’t seem very cooperative, which is the main characteristic of NEAR Ecosystem.

Hi, @BuidlersClub I wrote to them on Twitter, it is the first time that they have given us a direct invitation, but we can collaborate without any problem. Let’s go 4 Mexico!



We envision a great collaboration! and yes MExico si on fire!