Young Fresh Creative DAO
(Home for Creative Nigerian Youths and those Young at Heart)
The primary aim of this Dao is to create a home and support for creative students in Nigeria which will in turn will automatically promote the near ecosystem to all creative youths in the world.
Youths are the leaders of tomorrow; hence any concept that favors them in turn promotes continuity and sustainability of the eco system.
Our Initial Goals
Mission: Promotion of the near ecosystem to various campuses in Nigeria
Vision: Empowering the youths and in turn creating sustainability to the ecosystem.
Organizing a monthly live traditional concert
When a concert is live, it creates greater connection and provides an ambiance where everyone is connected to the music and the art. We aim to organize a monthly live music event with live bands, diversified African traditional sounds, and costumes to portray the root of Africa music to the world.
We will organize these events in live recording studios and on different campuses in Nigeria, these event will be streamed on “cryptovoxel” and also promoted on social media.
Fortunately, I have already kick-started the traditional concert with the full support of Nxm. Much love to @Monish016 @vandal @Paul . Kindly see the link to our last performance below.[African Traditional concert]
Hence, I already have the experience and foresight on better planning and project allocation. I would love to continue it on the Young and Fresh Guild as this dream is getting bigger and more profound.
TraditionalEvent Team
Near Art competition
A monthly art competition among artist and illustrators on campus. The first thing that came to mind is how does this art competition differ from others of its kind? The Engagement.
This competition is going to be very engaging, it’s not going to involve just the artist but it would also involve the artists and their fans/followers.
Our thought process for the first stage is to keep the call open for all visual artist on several campuses, they will all have the opportunity to submit their best arts
For the second stage, the artists are going to be given a theme to foster their art around. The most important aspect is the fact that the theme will be coined around near and the web3 ecosystem; hence, giving creatives the freedom of expression.
After the second stage, the contestants will have already been narrowed down to 5-10 Artist, leaving the 5-10 artist battling for the cash price of the last round.
A strict requirements of having a near wallet will be in place for voting.
By doing this, all 10 contestants will be determined to win thereby educating and encouraging their fans about the near ecosystem and to open a Near wallet.
The top 3 contestants with the highest votes wins the cash price and the all the other 10 contestants will be tipped with a token of 1near each.
50 voters will also be given 0.5 near each and we would stop counting the votes on the 50th person that votes and select a winner.A minimum of 50 near wallets will be opened in this competition.
Supporting Fresh and new Music Creatives
There are lots of fresh and young talents in schools and on various campuses that can really sing but don’t have the ability and financial means to kick start their career.
From personal experience, I understand that starting a career is sometimes is the hardest and a little push and support goes a long way. We intend to support them by:
We will be supporting 3 new musicians, which have never recorded at a studio before with 150 dollars each for production, mixing and mastering of their first song to encourage them to kick start their career.
I intend to dedicate my personal and private studio located in Lagos where we would hire different producers to work with them.
This will be beneficial as all the songs derived from this will be minted as a special NFT on our store as the first ever recorded song of the artist.
IV. Monthly Seminal to scout & enlighten app developers:
Part of the goal of the Young Fresh Creatives is to spread the initiative of near and enlighten app developers on how to go about creating their own apps with the help of near protocol.
V. Supporting 3 new visual Artist monthly
We will support visual art creatives with 50 dollars for drawing materials to create special and unique arts as NfTs on our art store.
This is the initial goal map; however, our long term goal is to create a community where creatives grow and they have a lot of their first experiences though the support of near.
We intend to reach over 1 million students and youths and Make Near web3 ecosystem a household name on all campuses, schools, colleges, and every establishments in Nigeria.
Tagging creative dao moderators for review​
@tabear @frnvpr ted.iv @JulianaM @hevertonharieno @frado @Monish016