[Introduction} RealBirds


This is an introduction to our Project - RealBirds, and what it means for the NEAR ecosystem.

RealBirds are a flock of 4,185 uniquely customized birds, definitely not government planted artificial spying drones.

RealBirds are the first Omnichain NFT native to the NEAR protocol. Our contract is built on the LayerZero stack, which is revolutionizing the possibilities of a multichain future.

What does Omnichain mean?
Omnichain differs from the well-known multichain and crosschain projects. Crosschain transactions occur when multiple blockchains can interact and share value directly. Multichain technology allows projects to exist on at least two blockchains simultaneously. In contrast, an omnichain protocol supports messaging and has no wrapping or intermediary layers. As a result, each connected network receives instant support, and smart contracts execute with no additional trust assumptions or separate consensus. Omnichain tech bridges messages (transactions) opposed to actual assets (tokens or NFTs), this allows maximum flexibility for these chain agnostic assets. For reference please read LayerZero’s initial Omnichain announcement: LayerZero- An Omnichain Interoperability Protocol | by Ryan Zarick | LayerZero Official | Medium

The possibilities are endless with Omnichain NFTs, for example the RealBirds total supply is 4,185 but only 1,000 will ever be minted on $NEAR to start. Later we’ll have the ability to mint another 1,250 on $ETH, then 1,250 on $SOL, etc.
Post mint all RealBirds will be able to travel to other integrated chains, and will be viewable on all chains simultaneously. This is different than cross-chain and multi-chain movement as all birds will be completely free to move around integrated chains WITHIN the same initial supply and collection.

At this point no Omnichain projects are integrated with a $NEAR endpoint so NEAR users can not participate in this revolution, but the RealBirds team is working to assist LayerZero and other Omnichain protocols to integrate that endpoint. We are also working directly with the NEAR business development team to connect the dots with LayerZero. We believe $NEAR is the most user-friendly, well structured, and positively incentivized blockchains in crypto. Introducing the Near Protocol to the Omnichain future will open up doors of liquidity and adoption for the entire $NEAR ecosystem and we are excited to lead the charge.

RealBirds are a 100% community powered project. The flock completely embraces the CC0 ethos, emphasizing creativity, inspiration, and free use. Our ultimate goal is to embrace, empower, support, expand, accelerate, and fund the Omnichain future as well as our native $NEAR ecosystem.


Twitter - https://twitter.com/RealBirdsGOV
Discord - RealBirds
Website - https://therealbirds.com/
White Paper - RealBirds White Paper. Intro | by Real Birds | Medium