Metaverse DAO Introduction
Metaverse DAO is going to be a guild under the Near protocol that would serve creative logistics for the sole purpose of expanding the reach of the Near protocol in the crypto space and publicizing near, near events and near artists on metaverse. In this sense, all the metaverse promotion in respect to NEAR would be accounted for by our guild, mainly on nearverse, cryptovoxels, substrata and decentraland. We would use any empty parcels from other guilds and/or rent parcels to get to our objective of making events on the metaverse, taking near protocol there, not only as NFT art, but also the other possibilities given on NEAR, like Dapps. We would make musical parties for near events (exhibitions, workshops etc) and build a magazine from all near events on metaverse, even the one built by other guilds. Our events would be based on artists submission on NEAR forum and contact with musical guilds, like NxM, or other broad guilds, like multiDAO and its parcel. And we intend to be a part of the development of NEARVERSE, having parcels there to publicize near artists and near workshops, as also as building videos and images on metaverse to publicize the events online. We could build bookstores, dancing floors, bars, galleries and many other structures to satisfy our events. As we said, we will publish a monthly digital magazine that would comprise all metaverse events and activities within the NEAR protocol across all guilds and communities within the NEAR ecosystem. The magazine and the associated metaverse event will be useful to build NEAR presence on metaverse and be a point of contact to other blockchains, in order to bring people to NEAR. It is also important as means to record media material with the virtual events, and to show the possibilities of developments inside near, given we will inhabit near metaverses (like nearverse and 3xr) and the ones from other blockchains.
Who We Are:
A novel DAO created to support metaverse promotional activities from ours and other DAOs and the development of these activities on NEARVERSE and other metaverses. Metaverse DAO would in its own rights possess autonomy to carry its own initiatives as long as they are inside metaverse promotion of near artists and/or near activities. The idea of metaverse promotion is expanding NEAR visibility for it to be seen by artists, collectors and developers from our blockchain and other blockchains, and for the community to grow. One of our main intentions is to be an onboarding door to metaverse to near artists, collectors and devs, and an onboarding door to near for metaverse artists, collectors and devs.
People can join our guild: by invite of the council; or, after an accepted projected by our guild, the person submits to enter and is accepted by the council, whose decision is given by majority.
Current Council Members:
beetle-juice.neear @beetlejuice (since 22 March 2022)
becopro.near @becopro (since 30 March 2022)
klarakopi.near @klarakopi (since 12 April 2022)
thephilosopher.near @thephilosopher (since June 17th, 2022)
Founding Members
John X
Our DAO is composed only from the team members. We would be launching this DAO on the Astro DAO platform with council members inducted.
Our Goals
The Metaverse DAO intends to fill the gap of metaverse publicizing of near artists and events, building a structure of shows, music, workshops, interviews and magazine, to generate value for near artists and near protocol itself. We want (1) to provide virtual material for publicizing NEARVERSE and NEAR Blockchain, like videos from events on a digital world and accessible meta-places to find information about near metaverse activities, and (2) to publicize Near on every metaverse. We also want (3) to be an onboarding door to metaverse people on NEAR and to near artists and collectors to metaverse. And we have a last goal of (4) help testing virtual reality on NEARVERSE and 3XR, if requested, as well as being meta-builders from any metaverse NEAR is interested, and putting to use any empty parcel that other DAOs would like us to use, and collaborating with any exisinting one (by publicizing their events on our magazine and streaming their content).
For the Months of November/December
YouTube educational channels about metaverse and about metaverse parties.
Data Organizer + Art Magazine: we are choosing a person to gather the info about metaverse events from other DAOs and from near artists, in order to edit NEAR METAVERSE MAGAZINE online [to be ready at december]. We should use a member of the DAO or we should propose a bounty.
Metaverse Builder Program: build the metaverse structures to have the metaverse events, like bars, libraries, clubs, galleries, cultural centers etc. We should use a member of the DAO or we should propose a bounty.
Metaverse Events Program: build music events on metaverse (especially on Nearverse, when it is fully accessible, and on other metaverses) for exhibitions or workshops. We should use a member of the DAO or we should propose a bounty.
Metaverse Interview Show: to build an interview program to boost the artists from NEAR by streaming on metaverse.
Near Meta-History: To build the meta-history of NEAR, by minting photos, videos and audios produced on metaverse in a special store from the Metaverse DAO on Mintbase, and keep it safe on the blockchain.
Ideas (long term)
Develop Nearverse World, by building adequate structures on it, like Media Stations, Bars, Libraries, Galleries, Townhall etc, buildings that could have the right appearance and information on Nearverse. Prepare the buildings for the different DAOs.
To work together with VR DAO to test the mechanisms of virtual reality as players and meta-builders in-game and to supply the VR DAO with testing information.
To put into use the empty parcels on many different metaverses that the DAOs have.
To onboard artists, collectors and devs from metaverse into NEAR.
What’s Next?
We will be submitting a proposal to Creatives DAO for funding to kick off some of the initiatives we have outlined above for November or December 2021 funding.
If you have thoughts or questions just drop em below. The team is going to add to, edit or remove various elements of this working document before launching into the November or December Funding Proposal.