Injustice and double standards of Globe DAO

I am writing this thread to show the community how unfair Globe DAO is and how there are double standards from its members, and how this affects the distribution of funding, the acceptance and evaluation of proposals and that some communities were funded that did no work!

BTW, TC members told me that this issue “not a serious one”!
So giving money for free to communities that do nothing and having double standards and injustice is not serious issue from the TC point of view!!

@NDC_Comms @NDC_Compliance @HOM-TC-COA

Firstly, Globe DAO funding request for June was approved by HoM member “Kiskesis” even though he previously declared that he has conflict of interests because he is a member of NEAR Ukraine, this should be investigated!

Everyone should know that Globe DAO members receive around $3,000 per council per month, so the work is supposed to be done professionally without serious wrongs and there is justice, but this did not happen!

Now I will show how some Globe DAO members have double standards.
And how they approved funding for some communities even though these communities did no work!
All information in this topic will be in accordance with Globe DAO Charter:
Globe DAO Financial Report
Globe DAO Highlights for Regional Report
The financing system in Globe DAO depends on achieving certain KPIs. If they are not achieved, a % of the funds must be deducted from the regional community.

1 - As you see in the first paragraph "“Background” in the charter that Globe DAO’s mission is to support local communities that work to build in “specific languages” and it is obvious that the content of these communities should be in the local language, for example NEAR Ukraine should be in Ukrainian language.

But we have Near Postive Vibes (CIS) and Near Ukraine, their Twitter accounts are English only! And on Telegram some of the conversation is in English too! Despite this, they received funding for several months!
This is conclusive evidence that Globe DAO is violating the DAO’s core mission and approving numerous funds randomly.

2- I will attach to you how Councils deals with NEAR Arabic:

Let’s talk about the April report, NEAR Arabic was accused of the following accusations by councils and deducted 35% from the total funding amount:
Please check here: NEAR Forum [REPORT] NEAR Arabic April 2024 - #2 by MostafaLotfy

This means that if any other regional community has these specifications on its report, it is assumed that it will be accused and a % of its funding should be deducted.

Let us now apply these specifications / conditions to the April reports. It will become clear to you that Globe DAO has a double standard. Not only that but you will see that Globe DAO has also provided funding to some communities even though they didn’t do any work!

Near Ukraine April report

  • Near Ukraine received 100% of the funding amount in April even though they did not:

  • 1 partnership, they didn’t have any partnership in April (-20% should have been deducted from the funding.)

  • The required number of wallets is 50 to get the fund. Near Ukraine said that they have achieved 50 wallets, but when you investigate you will find that there are 7 wallets with 0 transactions! (If the same rules that were applied to NEAR Arabic are applied here, then these wallets should be considered bots and a % of the funding should be deducted.)

  • There are supposed to be 20% (10 wallets) that do IAH, but there are only 3 wallets.

  • We will find that Near Ukraine’s proposal relies on “telegram 50 avg post views per post” instead of “Active Member”, so they rely on “views” which are worth nothing when it comes to NEAR Arabic! - in the Globe Dao Charter stated that the community should reach 50 active members to receive the fund not avg post views, everyone can see that the “50 active members” has not been reached!

  • The Dev activity was a call consisting of only “3” people, but 10 developers were required to attend to approve the fund.

  • Two events had to be held, with at least 20 people participating in each event, but only 13 people participated as you see here in the second event.

60% of the total fund was supposed to be deducted, but due to double standards, nothing was deducted!

NEAR Turkey

They received 100% of the funding despite:

The number of wallets required is 60 to get the fund, but after investigation you will find

  • 28 wallets were created on the same day (April 21st)

  • 42 wallets have only 1 transaction!

  • It is supposed to achieve 20 transactions for at least 25 wallets to get the fund, but only 10 wallets were achieved.

25% of the total fund should have been deducted! But due to double standards, nothing was deducted.

NEAR Indonesia

The number of wallets required is 60, but after investigation you will find

  • There are 18 wallets with (0) transactions
  • There is only 17 participations on the events but it should be 30 users at least to get the fund. however, the funding was approved.

45% of the total fund should have been deducted! But due to double standards, nothing was deducted.

NEAR Positive Vibes

  • There are 4 wallets with “0” transactions + 9 wallets created on the same day out of 30 wallets.

  • The article published by NEAR Positive Vibes is just a copy and paste, I don’t know how it has been accepted by Globe DAO.

NPV article: NEAR Dev NEWS | by NEAR Positive Vibes | May, 2024 | Medium

Original article: DevHub by devhub.near | Near Social

  • There is no evidence of the number of participants in the events!

  • There is no partnership!

65% of the total funding had to be deducted! But due to double standards, just 15% was deducted.

It is now clear to everyone that Globe DAO funded communities that:

  • Didn’t do any work
  • Had wallets created on the same day with 0 transactions
  • Copied and pasted articles
  • Didn’t attach proof of event attendance, some did but attendance was low

This was a simple sample of investigating some community reports for April to illustrate the extent of injustice and double standards from Globe DAO members, if NDC finds it useful I can investigate all previous reports for all months.


With due respect, I reject all these false and baseless allegations. I am here in the Near Community from the past 3 communities and have gone through all this toxicity. We have answered you multiple times on multiple occasions, but you never listen to anyone. You have a tendency to stretch things until they become toxic. We can’t help you if you always live under some kind of assumption.

In the past 5–6 months, we have worked with 15+ communities and had arguments, but everything ended on a good note. But not in your case, as you always think you are right.

Let me come to the point: This toxicity started back in January. You started attacking us because we didn’t approve your proposal. Let me inform you that, as a council, we can’t keep everyone happy, and we have always made decisions about what’s best for the ecosystem. And such toxicity is harmful for the ecosystem; nobody is going to benefit. But still, you choose toxicity to prove you’re correct. Neither me nor any other council have anything personal with you; we just did our work, and I repeat, we can’t keep everyone happy here.

After January–February, we finally gave you a chance in March to prove yourself, but as a council, I didn’t see much impact. You were failed in doing quality events, no (or very less) presence on Twitter. Even on Telegram (Telegram: Contact @NEAR_Arabic, there were bot-like conversations. So, we councils collectively decided to shut off the support in May as things were not working as we planned.

Also, let me mention everything was okay in Globe DAO in these 2 months, and you never said anything bad as we supported your proposals, but the toxicity again started once we rejected your proposal. That’s the pattern.

You tried to put many questions on the forum, and we answered them all with facts.
Then, you started your investigation on others’ reports; that’s a good thing, though. But intentionally, you did it to find loopholes so that you could defame us.
You are most welcome. I am happy to answer you once again.

Most of these allegations are regarding wallets having no transactions. I would request that you read the Charter once again. We never said that every new wallet must be active and must have a lot of transactions. The KPI was to onboard new wallets, and the retention rate should be around 30–35%. I hope you get the point here.

Regarding Near Ukraine’s partnership: As we all know, the current scenario in Ukraine is devastating, and it’s very hard for them to search for any partner companies. Still, they are trying hard. Due to this, their budget is always lower as compared to other Tier C communities. Instead of this partnership, they do some additional events. From June, they will bring one partnership (as they wrote in their June proposal), and we have granted the community in Tier B.

Also, we check all the reports and its KPIs thoroughly. Everything you write here is just an assumption, please provide any strong and logical evidence to prove your point.

Thank you!


To be honest, I expected a stronger response from you, but as usual it was a very weak response and you couldn’t even prove anything contrary to what was mentioned in the topic.

This is a serious admission from you, as you admit that Globe DAO does not mind onboard new wallets with zero transactions and does not even do IAH, although in this case the wallets are useless and bots, and this is not my personal opinion, but I think that any “Not biased” person would have the same opinion

Also, your words are evidence that you have “Double Standards” as you say that it is mentioned in the Charter that the KPI is just “Onboard” new wallets without any conditions.

So why did you apply a “condition of your own making” when it comes to NEAR Arabic? you said that most of the wallets were created at the same time and didn’t fund us.
But when it comes to other communities that have zero transaction wallets and most of them were created at the same time, you funding them!

They didn’t do any partnerships, so why were they funded?
You say they did “additional events”, In April, NEAR Ukraine was under tier C
According to the Charter, NEAR Ukraine should do 2 events (with at least 20 participants) + 1 developer event.
NEAR Ukraine only did 2 events + 1 developer event in April!
Where are the additional events you mentioned? Even if they did, there is no text in the Charter that says “we will pay you if you do additional events instead of partnership”.
Also, as is clear to everyone here, the second event only had 13 participants! However, the funding was approved!

You Ignored many facts that I have pointed out in the topic and this is conclusive evidence that you have no response and cannot prove otherwise.
Some facts such as:

  • NEAR Ukraine and NPV Twitter accounts are in English although in Charter all accounts should be in the local language.
  • The wallets did not make IAH
  • NEAR Ukraine did not achieve 50 active telegram members.
  • NEAR Turkey supposed to achieve 20 transactions for at least 25 wallets to get the fund, but only 10 wallets were achieved.
  • The article published by NEAR Positive Vibes is just a copy and paste
    And many other facts, knowing that this is only for April!

I have attached all the facts with evidence and I repeat this only for the month of April, and if I investigate for the other months I may find many things worth reviewing. I will stop there, any “unbiased” person who cares about applying justice in NEAR and that everyone gets his right to apply the principle of justice and transparency can review the subject or he can investigate himself and he will find many mistakes and he will find huge amounts of money that were spent on certain people and communities without justification.