Black History Virtual Map
• Create a virtual world in which the user can pick a destination on a map, and enter the virtual world at that chosen destination and view that location as it was at thepoint in time which has a noted relevant black historical moment
• At the historical snap shots in time, there will be black art the user can click on, enter and get a 3D depiction in the view of the artist of a moment in time when a historical event occurred
o For example, the look on Rosa Park’s face at the moment when she decided that she didn’t want to give up her seat on the bus, and as the user scans around the user can see the looks on the faces of everyone else on the bus
• At that same location, the user can choose to pick a character to become
o For example, the person could choose to be Rosa Parks and hear the story of how tired she was that day, what she went through, and why she chose to not give up her seat
o They would see the scenario from her point of view
• The user can also choose to walk around the area and see what the streets looked like back then, the cars, the houses and how people dressed back then, etc.
• There should also be an option, if the user just wants to get a quick recap of that historical event, there would be a preset experience that would allow the user to see the relevantevents of that historical snapshot
Map Destinations:
• Targeted map destinations will be noted locations of black historical significance
• The map would start with North American locations and moments in time of black historical relevance and then branch out to world-wide black historical locations and events
Target market:
• Creating a directed target market allows the project to be targeted to a specific audience for relevance, it by no means limits the use of the product to just this age group
• School age Children
o 6 – 15
o Grades 1 -10
o The target market would be school age children as this would-be software that we would like to sell to or get corporations to sponsor to support/ supplement the current black history curriculum in schools