Step-by-Step: How to apply for funding from the Virtual Reality DAO
This is the process for how a proposal should be submitted for funding from the VR DAO:
- Posts a “New Topic” in the NEAR forums (please use the “VR-DAO” tag), within the ”Creatives - Virtual Reality” category, outlining:
What project(s) you are requesting funds for (this should be the title of the post)
Your name, NEAR account, and the timeline you are requesting funding for (as the VR DAO follows the Creatives DAO protocols, we ask the request to be done on a monthly-basis )
The DAO address that will be the “target” of the payout proposal (or personal wallet)
Total Requested Funding Amount
A summary of the project(s) and what tasks the funds are required for (Outlined with as much detail as possible. Please add links to previous DAO-specific Forum posts):
– Please provide a timeline and milestones for your project in your DAO’s Forum post(s)
Exemple: [Proposal] IncubadoraPT- DAO Budget – June 2021
- The council of the VR- DAO will deliberate over your proposal by checking over the info submitted in the forum link and leaving comments if necessary.
- If your forum post is adequate and thorough, the council may vote to pass your proposal without any comments whatsoever, this is perfectly normal.
- If needed you can always edit the original forum post to add more information if required by a council member.
- When your proposal is passed, it will receive an “[Approved]” Status
- Go to the VR- DAO sputnikdao and “add new proposal” of the “payout” type.
- Set the “target” to the NEAR address that you are requesting funds to for your project (example: “incubadorapt.sputnikdao.near”).
- For the “Job/proposal description” field, write a short (240 chars or less) description of the proposal (adding the project name and month of funding for example).
- Use the link to the forum post that you have created in the “forum discussion” field of the payout proposal.
- Set the “Payout in NEAR” to the amount of funding that you are requesting for your project.
- Click “SUBMIT” and submit the transaction (0.1 NEAR will be needed for a bond to deter spam, this bond will be returned upon successful completion of the proposal).
- Funds will be transferred from the vr-dao.sputnikdao.near contract to the address set in the “target” field from step 2, once the council members of the VR- DAO vote to approve your payout proposal.
- Please ensure to check back on your post to see if there are notes from a council member (email notifications can be enabled as well) to ensure there is the highest chance of success for your proposal to pass
- If your proposal fails, there will be a reason in the comments of your forum post. Please feel free to edit your post, taking the comments into consideration, and re-submit a payout proposal.
Please allow 2-3 weeks for processing and voting from the Virtual Reality DAO council members.
Since all proposals to the Virtual Reality DAO have the “vr-dao” tag, they can all be found in the Forum here.
We look forward to seeing your creative proposals and please reach out to the Virtual Reality DAO council members (@microchipgnu, @Natural-Warp, @JulianaM , @Samiasns, @frnvpr) if you have any questions or comments!
ATTENTION: Once you’ve successfully received funds from the Creatives DAO and you’re preparing for your next monthly proposal, please be sure to review our [GUIDE] How to write Monthly-Reports for the VR DAO Proposals run the risk of having new funding proposals delayed or not voted through without these brief reports on accomplished or ongoing projects already supported by the VR DAO. In the Forum post (as described above) for your new monthly funding proposal, be sure to link to your report on how the previous month’s projects fared for ease of reference for the Council.
Contacts and useful links:
Our TG channel is open to everyone who wants to engage with us and explore new VR related projects and ideas. Meet us on TG Telegram: Contact @vrdao, Instagram Login • Instagram and twitter
Everyone can also check what we are currently working on, just follow this link: vr-dao open doc - Google Docs ; for the moment, only council members can edit, but feel free to comment.
Find also Microchipgnus project 3XR on twitter and discord Discord .