[Forum Meeting] Near Venezuela Members

A thought on Life: A Journey towards the unknown

No one tells you what to do with your life. No one really can give accurate advice on which paths to follow. Plain simple its a road with no signs and really not much besides a long journey ahead, which is being molded by you when you travel through it.

This was my life back then, and I had all the correct advices.

At eighteen years old I graduated from high school and had to choose a career path. I was at the time a professional tennis player and my parents didn’t want me to gamble the best years that I had to achieve my full potential, or whatever the hell that is.

I got into engineering school and on the second year of the career I knew that was a complete mistake. On an Algebra II class I just said, okay well that is just not for me. In front of the class, got through that door and never came back.

Later after that got into Business school, still didn’t think that was for me, but ended up studying three years either way. Got a secondary degree that allowed me to work or at least get a decent knowledge of economics in general. I Still have to finish that career.

On March 9th 2020 I decided to travel abroad and work outside. I have done everything by the book, got the required paperwork and documents to present and enough money to get a working visa on Denmark. On March 10th immigration offices on Copenhagen closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Had to return to my country (I am from Argentina) and later on August that same year got the chance to work abroad on the United Kingdom (London) and what would you know. November 5th they would close the entire country, once again had to go back.

At the beginning of 2021 I had nothing, I was back to square one with no studies, no job, and living with my father. Heartbroken by what I thought was the end of my good years and that I had become a washup and no good for anything because I “didn’t follow the steps that everyone does” and because of that I have nothing and don’t have a proper job… I went all in on crypto. With just 600 dollars which was the money I got from selling my phone.

Thanks to a friend of mine I was introduced in this incredible world in which there are new technologies everyday. I was baffled with the information that was circulating and how far we have come building lots of functional chains and new bridges onto a new world

I got into a project as a Community Manager (Apexit Finance) and learned a lot from it, when it was my time to depart I gave my gratitude and looked into new projects. A lot were really useful, others had a very friendly community, others just fun to hang around.

And then came Near.
@FritzWorm gave me the huge opportunity to take a part on it and right now I’m trying to do anything I can to give back and create more connections and get as many people as I can into this incredible ecosystem that is Near and that is Blockchain on itself.

Thanks to that crazy and wise year that 2020 was, from the rock bottom down below I could reconstruct a new version of me. I managed to get really good calls on crypto and make a living out of it (surely it was a little bit of luck and some knowledge on economy). And learned an important truth about life based on what was my worst moment which had transformed me and granted me the possibility of living a new life.

That there really is no correct path. There really are not correct advices or something that can assure you that you will succeed or that you will get a safe future. Or even that you will at least like it. I had the best advices there could be and (luckily of course) I could do anything it was supposed to be done. And that got me nowhere as planned.

And the best thing I could have done is risk it all. Never let any advice or someone who is not yourself decide what would be better for you. You have to ride that road that is meant only for you. And only you will fill that journey with memories that will decide where is headed.

That is the best way to live this Journey towards the unknown.

Thank you very much if you read all the way through, hope it brings some clearance to whatever it may clear :blush:

Special Thanks to everyone along the way. This part of my journey wouldn’t exist if you hadn’t been here alongside me @FritzWorm @Butneversaved @Alecaseg @Jessica



Hi everyone.
My name is Victor Querales i’m from Caracas-Venezuela, i have been a crypto enthusiastic since 2015 when i made my first bitcoin investment. Then in 2018 i bought my first 2 Antminers. Had a Degree in Economics from the UCAB and my experience living in a country like Venezuela with the highest inflation rate in the world and bad policy makers made me understand the potencial of the decentralized cryptos. With that in mind i try to learn more everyday reading and joining crypto comunities like Near Venezuela.



Hola soy tibisay paredes venezolana, actualmente tengo 37 años de edad, vivo en la ciudad de Caracas, soy licenciada en ciencias fiscales, egresada de la escuela nacional de hacienda pública en el año 2012, amo el deporte soy cinturón negro taekwondo mi experiencia en NEAR VENEZUELA de la mano de @fritzworm fue lo máximo junto y con muchos miembros de mi equipo palmeros de chacao ejecutamos el proyecto plan de manejo de vivero, la cual se llevó acabo la restauración de un vivero vivero educativo para los niños y la comunidad de chacao para su desarrollo productivo, palmeros de chacao nos encargaron de cuidar y salvaguardar la palma de cera que cada semana llega a sus hogares y no solo eso somos protectores de esa hermosa montaña el avila, esperemos poder seguir ejecutando muchos proyectos más para el bienestar y el por venir de las comunidades

Instagram: asopalmeros
Twitter: OrgLosPalmeros

Wallet: tibyparedes.near


Hello, everyone.
So, let me introduce myself, I am Alejandra Montenegro @lyra. I love learning, teaching and writing. Moreover, I consider myself as a good Researcher and Content Creator, and a Translator apprentice (English to Spanish).
With respect to job experience, I have worked as a marketing and client support assistant, a teacher, a content analyst and an academic writer. Currently, I am studying topics related to cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. Hopefully, I discovered the Near Venezuela Community (thanks to @FritzWorm and @Mineriavirtual), which turned out to be an opportunity to get a deep knowledge and collaborate with the Blockchain+ Near ecosystems.
Recently, I get to know about NEAR Writers Collective guild, so I asked to join this initiative to @aria, which seems to be a good opportunity to collaborate in writing projects.

Wallet: @lyraplanet.near


Hola, soy Richard Delgado secretario general de La Asociación Civil Palmeros de Chacao. Oriundo de Miranda, específicamente del municipio Chacao. De vocación y profesionalismo, ambientalista, técnico en viveros e investigador.
Asimismo participé en investigaciones con el profesor Bruno Manara en publicaciones como “El Ávila Museo Viviente”, “La quebrada de Chacaito: Aspectos Floristicos y de Fauna”, “Proyecto paisajistico arquitectónico de la restauración del hotel Humboldt”.
Actualmente coordino el vivero en el hotel Humboldt para la reproducción de las flores y plantas del Páramo.
Mi experiencia con #near-venezuela nos ha abierto un mundo de nuevas expectativas gracias al aporte que nos dieron el cual nos permite contribuir con el Parque Nacional Waraira Repano en el manejo de los Viveros e incorporar jóvenes en los proyectos futuros, y de esta manera fortalecer las buenas prácticas contempladas en el programa para la Salvaguarda de la Palma Bendita en Venezuela, programa Biocultural aprobado por la UNESCO.

IG: @asopalmeros
TW: @palmerosoficial
WALLET: richardregorio.near

Palmeros de Chacao DAO on AstroDao


Hello my NEAR Friends!

Who would have thought that finding a good craft beer would take me to the NEAR world?

- A Brief story of how I got here

I’m Ulises Marin @ramgor. Some time ago, I was searching where to drink a good craft beer in Caracas. Looking for it, I visited Cheers factory craft beer. Time Before, NEAR was just one more Token to speculate with in my trades. It was there at Cheers Factory where I heard about NEAR protocol as a tremendous ecosystem it is.

This is how I started my journey in to the NEAR world. By discovering how a blockchain-powered project can be much more than the sum of its parts, a whole wide universe of possibilities where I found not only a decentralized way to give and to receive back for your contributions and efforts in the system while everybody build it together, but I place to share ideas, creativity, initiative, and make new friends!

What I Like

Traveling of course! (who doesn’t?). I also like Brazilian Music a lot, this took me to start a MPB (Popular Brazilian Music) band which is been active for more than 30 years, it has been the best paid hobby to me! We are still playing!

This activity gave me a deep knowledge of The Portuguese (Brazilian) Language. now I can speak it with just a little accent and using even the local slang according to the region in Brazil.

Relevant skills for this ecosystem and knowledge in Computing and Technology Area

  • I am a Computer Analyst by profession, and an eternal self-taught student.

  • Free Software Specialist

    • GNU-LINUX Server Administrator: LAMP (Linux, Apache, MYSQL, PHP), multipurpose Web servers (Wordpress content generator, MOODLE online teaching tools, and others), Database servers (MariaDB, MYSQL), Mail servers, DNS servers, or any service under GNU-LINUX.

    • Workstation Administrator under GNU-LINUX: Development, graphic design, office suites (LIBREOFFICE, OPENOFFICE) etc.

  • Trilingual

    • Fluent (speaking/writing) in English, Portuguese and Spanish (Native Latino)
  • Trader: Cryptocurrencies, Stocks, Commodities, index.

    • Solid knowledge in technical analysis.

My contributions in NEAR

It’s been a short time since I joined NEAR (mid-December 2021), my activities have been so far:

Promotion in social networks:

  • Creation of twitter account @NEAR_Alerts to promote the NEAR PROTOCOL (+100 followers)

Translation from English to Portuguese

(I’m part of the NEAR VENEZUELA translation team)

  • Near Academy WEB3 introductory course (approved)

Appreciate your interest and your time for this reading.

Wallet: ramgor.near


Un saludo para todos, me presento, soy Albany Hernández, pertenezco al equipo de Near Valencia.

Tengo 23 años y soy estudiante de derecho de último año en la Universidad de Carabobo, a lo largo de mi vida, mi camino se ha orientado a las causas sociales, resultando en mi participación en programas de este calibre, tales como FENIX, financiado por ACNUR (ONU) dónde fui promotora, invitada a formar parte de ese proyecto por @Arturoahs quien ya explicó con anterioridad en qué consiste el mencionado proyecto, asimismo, durante mis años en la universidad, he colaborado como dirigente estudiantil en el recinto en donde he llegado a ser miembro de la Federación de Centros Universitarios de la Universidad de Carabobo.

Tuve la oportunidad de conocer y colaborar con la comunidad de Near gracias a @Arturoahs, quien me invitó a formar parte del equipo de Near Valencia, en donde he podido cultivarme y aprender sobre el mundo de las criptomonedas y específicamente Near Protocol dándome cuenta que es un área en la que me gustaría seguir desempeñándome, habiendo ya contribuido en el apoyo de la logística de las reuniones y seminarios de planificación realizados por el equipo de Near Valencia, además de organizar un webinar, la transmisión y publicación de videos en las plataformas de redes sociales y entrevistas de radio.

En lo que respecta a mis aspiraciones en el ecosistema de Near, mi intención es seguir cooperando con la comunidad para la difusión y expansión de Near y todas las ventajas y beneficios que nos puede traer con su inclusión en nuestra vida como sociedad, aparte de seguir nutriendome sobre este mundo tan interesante y consecuentemente crecer profesionalmente.

Wallet: Albanyher.near


Saludos, familia NEAR.

Siempre es difícil para los filántropos – altruistas, “versar a tiempo” … de “uno mismo”; sin embargo, dada la iniciativa de este equipo encabezado por @FritzWorm, he aquí una descripción de quien ha sido este servidor, Francisco González.

Oriundo y residente de una hermosa tierra de montañas, clima fresco y amplio desarrollo urbano: Naguanagua, estado Carabobo – Venezuela; orgullosamente venezolano y magallanero (fanático del equipo de beisbol profesional venezolano, que esta noche se ha coronado CAMPEÓN de la liga, jajaja). Amante de la música (escucharla, cantarla, tocarla, bailarla), en sus múltiples géneros, pero de manera especial: la música de Venezuela. Así he crecido, con ese profundo orgullo del que ya hice mención.

Ese amor por nuestro país, sus tesoros, potencial y sobre todo su gente, me llevaron a formarme profesionalmente en el área epicentro de todo desarrollo: La Educación. Soy licenciado en educación, mención Orientación y Asesoramiento, con especialización en Técnicas de Facilitación Grupal y Maestría en Educación, mención Orientación y Asesoramiento. De igual forma, ese catalizador personal de “vivir para servir”, me llevó desde que tenía 13 años de edad a ser preventor comunitario ad honorem, en el programa antidrogas de Hogares CREA de Venezuela, trabajando desde entonces hasta el presente (23 años de labor) con una gran cantidad de niños, niñas, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, previniendo el consumo de sustancias psicotrópicas, embarazos en adolescentes, maltrato y abuso infantil y juvenil, entre otros. A la par, he tenido la oportunidad de desempeñar mi labor como profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, de la Universidad de Carabobo y Universidad Arturo Michelena, he fungido como coordinador de protección y bienestar estudiantil en el municipio Guacara del estado Carabobo, y vicepresidente ejecutivo de la Organización No Gubernamental FUNDALIVE, dedicada a la atención integral de la familia (Salud, educación, alimentación, entre otros).

A mis 15 años de edad, comencé a indagar y vivenciar el contexto político venezolano, iniciando así una de las etapas más significativas de mi vida, donde hasta arriesgando la vida, he defendido los principios y valores democráticos que creo y profeso por doquier. Como activista político y luchador social, he diseñado, coordinado e impulsado en todo el territorio nacional, programas de organización vecinal, en pro de una ciudadanía organizada, participativa y democrática.

En este contexto sociopolítico, siendo estudiante de pregrado fui secretario de Asuntos Estudiantiles del Centro de Estudiantes de Educación – UC, y elegido posteriormente durante dos periodos consecutivos como Consejero de Facultad (Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación), líder y fundador de movimientos estudiantiles defensores de la democracia (2007), trabajé como funcionario adscrito a la Presidencia de la Asamblea Nacional de Venezuela dese el año 2016 hasta 2021.

Me uní a NEAR, por invitación de @Arturoahs, líder valioso y apreciado en la comunidad NEAR Venezuela, formando parte del equipo Near Valencia, donde desde mi praxis profesional como docente universitario e investigador, he aportado a la ejecución de estrategias educativas presenciales y a distancia en la ciudad de Valencia; he fomentado acercamientos exitosos con la principal comunidad universitaria de la región central del país, la Universidad de Carabobo, y en la actualidad me encuentro diseñando junto a @Arturoahs la propuesta de un programa educativo dirigido a desarrolladores, community managers, creadores de contenido, diseñadores y estudiantes universitarios de carreras afines, para potenciar a través de la socialización, el conocimiento y uso de la tecnología blockchain (Near Protocol), en Venezuela.

Mis expectativas: seguir aportando holística e integralmente a la materialización de un mundo más democrático, y creo que NEAR protocol, los DAOs; forman parte de ese anhelado mundo.

Wallet: franciscogonzalez.near


Hi, I’m Linda Rosario, I’m from the city of Valencia, Carabobo state, Country Venezuela,
I am a Computer Technologist with more than 5 years of experience developing software,
I learned several languages ​​such as php and python, and with the time that I have been practicing I realize
You can’t stop studying, technology has always been constantly changing.

In November 2021 I joined the Near Certified Developers NCD Level 1 program taught by Near Hispano
and today I participate in the Developer in Residence, with the Near-Bookshop project. It has been a wonderful and exciting experience.
I bet on the future, I bet on Near Protocol as a platform for the development of applications associated with Blockchain, this is just the beginning.



Hello NEAR Community.

Hoping you are doing great and safe, I am very thankful for the opportunity of meeting all the NEAR Venezuela members, their dreams, and expectations in this community.

My name is America Castro @ame9986. I am from Venezuela and live very close to Caracas.

I have a degree in International Affairs with a Human Rights specialty. Though I did not practice for long my profession, it was a knowledge and growth time.

Traveling is one of my biggest passion. I try to fulfill this passion every time I can, but as you know, money does not grow on trees, so I had to figure out other ways to earn money while I kept traveling.

That’s the reason I self-learned how to build and design websites and trade with crypto.

My path through trading taught me a little about blockchain, but I always associated it with financial matters only. How wrong I was!

By the end of 2021, I met @Jloc at a craft beer event, where he explained how NEAR Protocol is the future :sunglasses:. Since then, my awareness of blockchain has changed.

In these few months, reading and learning about NEAR Protocol have made me more aware of the possibilities of this blockchain and its scope in different areas.

For me, it is such an honor to be part of this community, learn from everyone, and help grow NEAR Protocol in Venezuela and Latin America.



Continuing the discussion from [Forum Meeting] Near Venezuela Members:

Hi everyone, I’m glad to meet you all here. My name is Carlos Aponte and I’m just starting in NEAR, learning about the whole ecosystem. I studied chemistry at Universidad Simón Bolívar and since 2006 I’ve been working in the Venezuelan water sector, coordinating water quality projects in river basins and aquifers, and also policy proposals, advising, and consulting related to water management and water and sanitation services. Between 2014-2016 I was in the Netherlands studying for a master degree in Water Management, It means that I am basically a water professional.
I started to be involved in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies by curiosity in 2020, a totally new world for me. I discovered the potential and opportunities within this technology and I made my first steps, looking for information, trying to understand all of this, and making some investment in cryptocurrencies.
I found out that I could combine my professional background with the technological possibilities offered by blockchain in order to develop initiatives and projects related to water management, basin protection, climate change adaptation. In that way, I was looking for options and developments to apply mi ideas, and at the same time, learning about blockchain and following different projects.
I came to know about NEAR by chance, I read a post made by @Mineriavirtual in Instagram inviting to join this community. Since the begging, I realized that the NEAR ecosystem is what I was looking for, and the ideas I have can be applied here.
Therefore, I’m very enthusiastic about NEAR, learning about it, and following my learning path. It is very nice that we already have people and projects related to environmental issues like @RichardDelgado and @jblm it means that I am not alone in this and it is possible to put in practice real solutions to the people and the country with blockchain technology.

My wallet: carlosaponte75.near


nice to meet you all …
I 'am Taghrid Zebian @Tagozz ,Lebanese so i am Arabian ,French and English because they are my primary languages ,then i got married a Venezuelan on 2006 and i live here so i speak as well Spanish. That’s why i like to translate and explain words meanings to many languages.
Graduated from MUBS (modern university of business and science ) with Business Administration on 2000 and education on 2004 …worked on many institutes in Beirut Lebanon , and as marketing on coop hypermarket and as a teacher on SNC school …
My friend @Alecaseg gave me the opportunity to join this community and i am so glad to be a member with NEAR .


Hi everyone
I’m Rodolfo Agustinho.
A Brazilian musician who has been living in Caracas, Venezuela for more than 35 years and thanks to my studies, English-speaking friends, my work and my life in Venezuela I was able to learn English and Spanish languages (and some others that i’m not as fluent as I would like to be but i’m still learning). It was a little late when I discovered (I’m a newbie) the translation jobs in this community and I only could just do a small translation to Portuguese. Here I leave the link if you want to see it.
It’s very nice to be part of this community and i’m very glad to introduce myself in here!
Be good, be happy, be Near!


@FritzWorm y todos los miembros de NEAR Venezuela

Somos parte de un ejemplo:

Muchas gracias @Sofia_Alum por mencionarnos !!! :tada:


Hi everyone,

My name is Gaston Romano Wagner Garcia, born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela.
Currently I am working in three areas, the main one is being a financial trader basically solving day-to-day issues like converting NEAR to VES or VES to USD, the second one is starting a company that fabricates ecological plastic bags from leaves and the third one is working in an Insurance Company in Caracas.

In 2016 I worked with my brother Fritz Wagner in Bitdharma as selling force.

I just graduated from the University UNIMET in Caracas, Venezuela in administrative sciences.

Involved with the NEAR Community thanks to my brother since 2021.

I am really excited to contribute and exchange knowledge with everyone in the community, hoping to meet and participate in different areas.


Saludos a todos los integrantes de esta gran comunidad NEAR, mi nombre es Frank Gabriel Pérez Gil nací en San Felipe Edo. Yaracuy, graduado de TSU en informática con más de 20 años de experiencia desarrollando sistemas integrados con Visual Basic 6.0, Sql Server, Oracle, Db2, Postgres, MySql, en estos momentos estoy migrando a desarrollo con VUE.js, Rust y Phyton, pertenezco al equipo de Dvconsultores desde más de 7 años desarrollando soluciones para todos nuestros clientes, dentro de mi carrera he desarrollado proyectos tanto de sistemas como de infraestructura, soy muy apasionado con mi carrera y aficionado de la música, el basquet, tenis de mesa.

En noviembre de 2021 llegué a la certificación de Near developer Venezuela organizada por @FritzWorm, el futuro es la blockchain y con la plataforma NEAR estoy seguro que el impulso será de mayor envergadura por esa razón ingresé al programa Near Certified Developers NCD Nivel 1 dictado por Near Hispano y hoy participo del Developer in Residence con el apoyo de @cloudmex -alan y@Cristian, con el proyecto P2P Near Dex. Ha sido una experiencia única, todos los miembros de ésta comunidad tenemos el compromiso de ser de Near Protocol la mejor plataforma para el desarrollo de aplicaciones asociadas a Blockchain.



Saludos encarecidos a todos los que constituyen la gran comunidad NEAR de Venezuela y de mundo, me llamo Víctor Mora, soy de Valencia estado Carabobo, graduado de Técnico Medio en Electrónica Industrial, además de la licenciatura en Educación mención Orientación finalizando Maestría en Investigación Educativa, trabajando en el área educativa por más de 15 años para Ministerio de Educación, en la Universidad Arturo Michelena, en las áreas de estadística, investigación y orientación; además de trabajar en la Universidad de Carabobo para las facultades de Medicina, Odontología y Educación, la última donde soy docente ordinario en las áreas de Estadística, Investigación y Orientación. Desde hace un tiempo he trabajado con el área de computación, redes y reparación de equipos electrónicos (en especial equipos de minería digital). Comprometido con los proyectos de P2P y perspectivas afines.

En febrero de 2022 llegue a Near invitado por @ franciscogonzalezn, agradecido por la oportunidad de pertenecer a una comunidad en crecimiento exponencial, donde desarrollare y explotar mi potencial y colaborare en la medida de lo posible con el ecosistema digital de Near, donde pronto realizare el NCA.


Saludos a todo el equipo de Near Venezuela. Agradecido por por la invitación para aprender y aplicar el nuevo paradigma web 3.0 que contribuya en el desarollo nuestro pais. Docente de profesión con experiencia en el mundo de la informática y la teleducación.

Luis Américo Auyadermont


Excelente saludos mi nombre wilfredo franco profesor de la universidad de carabobo, espero mis aportes sean de interés y ayuda dentro de la comunidad near.


Buenas noches comunidad Near soy Wilmer Barico, vivo en Venezuela y me siento muy orgulloso de pertenecer a esta maravillosa comunidad, y en los actuales momento estoy realizando NCA para aprender y después compartir experiencia, por otro lado soy Docente de la Universidad de Carabobo Valencia-Venezuela, Entre otras cosas soy especialista en tecnologia de la computación en educación, magíster en tecnología educativa y Doctor en Educación

Wallet: wilmerbarico.Near
Discord: Wilmer#4274
Telegram Near Venezuela Wilmer Barico