EIR February Monthly Report

Project title: Daniel Haboush, EIR ~ feb monthly report (1st-28th)

One-liner: Onboarding projects, educational initiatives, familiarizing myself with the ecosystem, meetings and more in collab with Amber Brandner

Project Summary:

  1. Growth & transparency report with UCSD. Proposal waiting for approval, Student invitation ready. Monthly report to offer insight into the NEAR ecosystem for the outside world

  2. Meeting and proposal development with OurVerse. Motion-capture VR storytelling educational initiative. Proposal development for fast track grant underway

  3. Organizing a Near twitter spaces for the engaged members and leaders of the NEAR community to discuss issues and create actionable steps. Facilitate collaboration.

  4. Several meetings with EZTV. Pioneers in digital artwork in the 80s. Academic and thought leader, teacher and potential multi-disciplinary advisor for NEAR projects. Working idea is to build a on-demand board of multi-discplinary advisors projects can reach out to for advice, insight and more.

  5. Discovery meeting with Akoin. Follow up underway. Hours spent researching their current situation and needs. May be handing this one off to Cameron.

  6. Discovery meeting with Nor (welcometonor.com). Have followed up with Cameron who is meeting them next week. An incredible gaming platform. Hours spent researching and understanding them as well.

  7. Several meetings with Daniel Sloan from https://wearefuturetech.com/. potential for collaboration and dev shop partnership but i need to better understand NEAR’s needs at the moment and abilities to service more Dev Shop Partnerships. (Dan Sloan is also Technology Strategist for Akoin)

  8. Several meetings with Petgas-mx. Lots of research and relationship building. An incredible product and service looking to utilize web3 architecture to scale their community and turn plastic liquid. (play on words, they both transform plastic into fuels but also are giving used plastic a value, which they wish to tokenize to run their ecosystem). Would be a great opportunity for BD ecosystem

  9. The bulding of our team with Amber Brandner. internal discussion, identifying our mission and mandate. We have effectively dabbled in all regions of NEAR, BD education, BD business & internal innovations and are currently trying to better format where & how we fit in this whole NEAR ecosystem

  10. Lots of learning and reading about NEAR. the wiki, main website, videos, discord, engaging in meeting with community members. building relationships, meetings with community members and leader to better understand NEAR’s current state.

There are a number of other project leads in development. Apart from developing a few fast track grants for some initiatives, focus is on better understanding the needs and current state of the NEAR ecosystem and how to engage these larger projects with it. The refining of our own mandate within this system and understanding the appropriate pathways via which to operate.

I’ll be honest, im not the best at these reports and am open to any constructive criticism. I never did like writing a CV or cover letter. Thank you for your time