[Creatives DAO] - Decentralization review & Meeting

Hey all! Liberation Wellness DAO has only interacted with the creative DAO through hosting an event alongside Kin DAO & Primordia DAO (Liberation Wellness DAO is a member of Primordia DAO) but we look forward to engaging more with the creative DAO in the future.
Our wallet addresses are:

A little about me (Izzy / Liberationra.near) and Liberation Wellness DAO

I am the founder of Liberation Wellness, the predecessor to Liberation Wellness DAO and one of the 3 council members of Liberation Wellness DAO.

I am the son of Egyptian immigrants and a 9 year veteran of the military. I served in the US Coast Guard from ages 18 till 27.

In 2017 I was medically separated from the Military after 9 years of service.

I tore my ACL twice along with other knee injuries. I broke my back, wrist, and ribs. I was Diagnosed with arthritis at 25, lost range of motion in my knees at 20, left wrist at 25, and diagnosed with PTSD upon discharge.

The ending of my military career opened up new avenues. With my health having deteriorated so far, and not having great success with conventional medical treatment or mental health care, I took matters into my own hands and began studying exercise science, nutrition, and mental health.

Within my first year of studying and training, I lost over 100 lbs, gained nearly 35 pounds of muscle, and healed many of my injuries and pain that held me back for years.

At 27 & 28, I was even able to regain mobility and range of motion I had lost at 20, which doctors told him he would never regain.

My biggest goal is to share knowledge I’ve learned with communities across the globe and help others find healing and joy through strength and wellness.

Liberation Wellness DAO
Liberation Wellness DAO is enrolled in DAOcubator and receiving support and mentorship from DAOcubator.

We are a group of creators dedicated to building a decentralized approach to working, organizing, and serving our communities in fitness, nutrition, and wellness. We are growing a network of professionals that create, build community and businesses, and share work with the goal of providing their community the best possible support and services. We aim to connect professionals to a network with shared values to lean on, grow with, and learn from.

Our mission is to grow a community centered around wellness, autonomy, and building healthy, vibrant, communities, while creating and providing the tools to better serve our communities and the support to grow wellness centered businesses within our community ecosystems. One way we’re doing this is helping other creators and professionals onboard, and learn how they can enter and work in the NEAR ecosystem.

Liberation Wellness DAO is building a virtual incubation project and a physical incubation chamber for its community. We call it the BioHacker House. Both projects are currently in beta and running personnel through closed trials The virtual incubation chamber aims to grow in the web3 space with upcoming projects including a planned NFT project and a decentralized coaching and delivery system. The physical incubation chamber project is hosted in Oakland, CA and is the foundation the web3 projects are built on. You can find the most recent photos and updates on Instagram.

We recently Launched our first NFT, NFTiti!

An artistic rendering of my cat, Nefertiti. We used Satori to do so. The NFT will be used as admission tokens to our Movie & NFT community Night on june 23rd in Oakland, CA at our BioHacker space. The event will connect those already working on NEAR protocol locally with other local creatives and entrepreneurs, and aims to help folks enter the NEAR ecosystem.

We’ve been part of the NEAR ecosystem since April, and we’re extremely excited to continue growing and collaborating with others!


Hello, hello!

Apologies for the delay with my response to this post.
I’m ted.iv, currently one of the Creatives DAO moderators and also council on muti dao and Garden Collective DAO, previous council member of Graffiti DAO also.

near wallet: tediv.near

total votes cast: 403 (muti-dao)
muti votes cast in Creatives DAO: 207
votes cast in Garden Collective DAO: 31
votes also cast for the duration of my time as council for Graffiti DAO, but as I’m no longer on the council of the DAO I cannot see metrics for this.

I have been in the NEAR ecosystem since August of '21 via muti dao and have been learning a lot about the space since. It’s been a very steep learning curve as the ecosystem of NEAR continues to grow and evolve. As an artist, I came in with an interest in learning from the perspective of a creator, but also as an events organiser, I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about project management as well as general communications and transparency within the NEAR ecosystem.

My background is in graphic design, but over the past 5 years, since moving to Lisbon from Ireland, I have been involved in arts and culture management and production, including roles such as venue manager of Arroz Studios, project management for Garden Collective e (a creative collective I co-founded with 4 others that is also making it’s way into to the NEAR ecosystem), Stage manager for Ethical Assembly to name a few.

  • muti dao council since September '21
  • Garden Collective council since it’s founding as a DAO in March '22
  • Graffiti DAO council for 3 months
  • Creatives DAO moderator since February '22

I have also collaborated on artwork and design with the likes of BEAT DAO, C1 Guild, VanDAO, NxM & more.



Hello, Creatives and NEAR Community!

I am Mary Razel, a digital artist from the Philippines. I’ve been on Near for 5 months. I am one of the ‘Researcher’ of Filipino Artist Guild and the March AOTM of the guild. As a ‘researcher’ we do sorts of things, like helping the newly onboarded members to activate their Near Wallet and guide them on things related to NEAR such as; minting on Paras, creating an account on NEAR Forum, and we’re also the moderator of F.A.G’s Discord server. Last week, we guide some of the members on how to list their NFTs on the-auction. We do sorts of things that can help our community grow. I’ve been also actively participating on the Near Forum, joining bounties from different DAOs and likes, for the whole 5 months I’m on NEAR.

Here are my SNS links along with my NEAR Wallet:

  • Near Wallet | maryrazel.near
  • Twitter Account | @maryrazel_224
  • Instagram Account | @maryrazel.224
  • Telegram | @maryrazel_224
  • Discord | Mary Razel #0085

Since we’ve been only added on the Astrodao of the Filipino Artist Guild a few days ago, I’ve only done 1 vote as a researcher.


I’m mido4bs.near. I’m a researcher of the Filipino Artist Guild’s telegram and moderator of the Filipino Artist Guild’s discord.

I started my Near journey last January 2022. As a researcher and moderator of the Filipino Artists Guild, We help accommodate new artists being on-boarded on Near. Here are some of the tasks that we do for the growth of not only our guild but also the entire community :

  • Help new artists in creating their wallets and in minting their Nfts on different Near marketplaces.
  • Secure the guild from scammers and suspicious telegram users by banning them after checking their profile.
  • Host random Twitter spaces to encourage everyone from the community to have confidence in a shilling and marketing their NFTs.
  • Partner with different Nft projects for Wl, giveaways, and collaborations.
    -vote on proposals (specifically 1 vote on AstroDAO)

As a beginner here in the Near community these are the very least things that we can do for the community. But we would love to grow and learn more as we continue our journey in exploring the entire ecosystem.It’s our pleasure to be part of this growing community.

Here are my sns accounts and Ner wallet:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jakefrbs?t=VM2vN

Telegram: @midoforbes

Discord: Mido#8769

Near wallet: mido4bs.near


Hello Creatives,
It’s nice to be here with y’all.

Read my medium— PurpleDot – Medium

My name is Beloved Igwe (Mrs). Well known for my pen name Purpledot. I’m a writer who’s been writing for the longest I can remember. (Since childhood). A baker Sometimes. I Graduated from the Harvard College writing center before learning about web3.
Since I got into the space, it’s been a never ending process of learning and growth. Optimistic about the future and all.
I have been directly involved in various DAOs and ecosystem activities. Tbh the community is a promising and hopeful one fr.

I’m a lover of art and every good thing written. Ready to build, impact and help always.

:purple_heart: +:bulb:


Alice Turnbull / @plantasia
wallet: itsaturn.near
insta: Login • Instagram

Hello! I’m Alice Turnbull, more known as the founder and curator of Plantasia LX, since its origin as a physical gallery. I’m a Scottish/Brazilian multidisciplinary artist with a B.A in Audiovisual at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Art M.A’s in different continents, UNA-Buenos Aires and the latest at FBAUL-Lisbon. In 2015 I lived in Mexico for a year after being awarded with the government-funded mobility programme Conexão Cultura Brasil to coordinate and exhibit at the Museo del Chopo, in Mexico City. Later moved to London where I worked with music production and film editing until 2020. I ended up choosing the Portuguese sunny life for obvious reasons (:

I also work collaborating with @Mette @squattingPigeon @marianeu @vicentetbh @roadworks @CatiaCiriaco @raquelareia @vandal and artists of Planting AIR residency through being council of @arroz-criativo , working at Isodea Festival Login • Instagram, collaborating with @Mintbase by doing talks, helping out Jazz DAO and Golden Blue DAO and partnering with VanDAO through a live streaming project that’s on its third month :globe_with_meridians: Plantasia x VanDAO

I’m also a member of INA DAO and Cosmia DAO, two great DAOs at supporting womxn and artists.
Arts researcher, crypto preacher and sonic voyager. Moving constantly, but based in Lisbon.

Votes casted: 64


Hi Creative, I am a contemporary artists,song writer, Author (Tales Untold Entrepreneur )Clothing & Fashion ) and philanthropist. (Pen Down your Dreams )

Had a beautiful transition into the NFT space.My first contents (Gospel Ep was under the NxM & it’s been a nice experience ever since.

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Good day Near Fam!

i’m Vanengs from the Philippines :hugs: Since 2018, I’ve worked as a digital artist. I began as a moderator in a group chat for messenger art tutorials. We exchanged art knowledge. Even individuals who have no prior experience of art but are willing to learn. We provide assistance to everyone in the group chat. We discussed several art forms, including:

I am not an expert in any of the art genres I have studied, so I simply share what I know and have learned.
Since August 2021, when a Facebook buddy invited me, I’ve been a member of Near Protocol. Thanks to Ms. @Ligaya and Ms. @kc_sollano I joined the Filipino Artist Guild in January and was elected to being one of the councils.

• I’m also responsible for creating banners for featured artists and sharing them on the Filipino Artist Guild’s social media account, as well as posting Weekly Challenges divided task with 3 councils , Following each challenge, all of the participants’ entries are shared on FAG’s social media accounts, including Discord, Facebook, and Twitter

• I assisted the Filipino Artist Guild in onboarding new members and advising them on how to create a near wallet and join the marketplace. I also help artists who wish to do giveaways through the Filipino Artist Guild Twitter account, among other things and also handling twitter and Facebook account of FILIPINO ARTIST GUILD with Councils. 

Our expertise grew as a result of the FAG Community’s assistance, as well as the leadership of our leaders, Ms. @Ligaya and Ms. @kc_sollano and, most importantly, the FAG researcher @midofrbs @maryrazel.near @gmachines @runesofuttoria @ritzzard who is dedicated to the Guild and with providing never-ending support to those newbies onboard. Thank you very much for your time. :fire: LFG


This is Chris Brummer i mentioned on the chat yesterday for legal matters


Hello everyone!

Gabriel here​:grin::grin:

I’m a musician, writer, nature lover, father, and more. My first introduction to Web 3 was via NFTs, but it was on Solana.

I joined the forum November 2021 and got my first real taste of Web 3 community.

I’m a community manager for NxM’s Telegram and Twitter. I’m a member of BeatDAO. I have anchored a few Open Mic Shows on Tamago’s Tama Island :desert_island: in the Metaverse on Nearhub.

I’m a Council Member on the Culinary and Dance DAOs. I see the immense possibilities and potential of Web 3 communities and projects and I want to be a part of the team expanding the frontier and heralding the New Dawn :man_bowing::man_bowing:


Hi Maya, nice to meet you… I just saw Black Cat Cinema it’s amazing and interesting

if from Black Cat want to learn to score film and music tomorrow there will be a 60 minute seminar with Professor Dr Franki Raden

You can join tomorrow at 7am EST


Hello everyone!
I’m Hephzibah. Ever heard jack of all trade master of non? But then, I am a jack of many trade. My hobbies are singing, adventures, reading, cooking, making arts and writing. I also find it quite easy to pick up new skills and master them as long as I’m interested​:see_no_evil::partying_face:
Being a lover of arts, it was quite easy for web3 to capture my attention. I love NFTs and the metaverse.
I first heard about Near in 2021. But didn’t join until early this year. And since reading was my hobby, I got into reading about Near. I discovered that Near’s goal is to onboard 1 billion web three users. I also read through to spot major human endeavours that have not been previously explored by Near. I had many chats with @AugustKinge and we came up with intiatives that can be explored to onboard active web3 users. This was what led to our creating the Dance DAO and Culinary DAO. Our goals are to:
*Promote Near
*Onboard as many talented web3 users as possible.
*Maximizing the use of web3 solutions.
*Encourage people to embrace web3 solutions. *Create as many unique NFTS as possible.
*Build sustainable communities.


My name is Winifred:
-Graduate physiologist with msc public health in view
-Worked as a Mid level Data & financial analyst.
-Vast practical experience in digital marketing and e-commerce. currently acquiring certifications on the blockchain via unit masters program.
I love learning & research, love to write as well.

NEARWALLET: duchesswinnie.near

Co-Founder of #family-dao FamilyDAO

Links are:
Telegram: Telegram: Contact @duchess_winnie

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Winnie_says_

Here is actually my new account, as i lost access to my first one (@Duchess

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Thank u! Added to the document, if you want I can send you the doc edit link by DM.

Big hug!

Some of you partners missed to share your wallet.

I have @johanga using: johanga.near

And @JCB using: jcb.near

@Dedeukwu using dedeukwu.near

@GeminiRising using geminirising.near

@carolbampa using carolbampa.near

Now for @ZexonNerotaki using:


Just saying this so you can confirm, creating the Creatives DAO v3 and adding you all directly


Hello! Is not working

Please let me know. I will use: ritapaiva.near

Thanks Fritz that is correct!

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Wallets missing partners

@squattingPigeon & @Truce @yonakawaii @Sugar @html1704 @adrianklein26 @Hoangmyle @Phong22 @Mynameisle your wallet partners?


Hey there, using this one: roadworks.near

Let me know.

On another topic, using this wallet juliamorelli.near for @JulianaM :wink: please let me know.

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Hello, edit: done Liberationra.near

Now again asking for wallet address: @Kquan99dk @MathewNm @peppermommy @Dos999 @Doangiaphong @Peace