[Approved] Story Time with Blaqk Stereo

She is energetic and work like a busy bee-all day long. Every day she water her plant to keep it fresh and she never got a chance to hang out with friends.


One day her friend asks her to chill out and live for herself. For a while she thought her friend was right, there is no need to work. She decided to rush and hangout with friends. Day after day she repeated the same thing. On the weekend she noticed that there was nothing to eat in the house and she has to send money to her family. On that day she understand that she has spent her money on useless things.
She cried and thought she had ruined her life. Suddenly she missed those days when she decides to take responsibilities and remember why she started. She promised herself that she will work even harder. She left her friends and went back to her responsibilities.



Take note, brotherly.


Lovely bounty. What does the overall winner get. Not the runner ups oh. The winner.


Oh, thanks for the observation, the Winner actually gets $150 I will correct that now


My Entry for the bounty of “Story Time with Blaqk Stereo”
Some story lined is based on a Fiction Story
Creator of the Story : @ImJami2017
Near Wallet : jami2017.near
Tittle : The Rain

Once upon a time, there was a place that rain only once a year. People used to believe that if they hang an umbrella infront of the church, the God will hear there prayer.

The people used to go to church and only wish to drop the rain in their place.

One day, a child pray and pleases to God. “Dear Lord , we wish for longing rain, help us and give people happiness”.

Later on, the sky becomes dark, soon the tiny drops fall, people look up the sky. Rain drops is falling heavy as the people bring joys and they all begun to came out their houses.

They jump, splash, kids are running and playing in front of their streets and houses. Young people, old people even those plants been watered. They enjoy the gift of God . Thankfull from all the bleassings recieve that day.

After a blessfull day of rain. People visit the church again and thanks to God from the bleassings they recieve and hopes that alwys “Their is a God to call”.

The End.


Images are absolutely amazing and show nice feed


Thank you for that word . :raised_hands::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


What a great journey i like your story i love you more :hugs:


Hello good day everyone this is my entry for this bounty.


This is my True based story of my life wherein i got my first achievement in entire life :heart:.

Author and creator for the story: @louietism

I wake up for the most exciting and conquering the battle with my fear to fight at my best.
Im going to school right now with a mile distance far from our home so i woke up early

In this darkest times where in we are now conquering the outside world wherein we are still fighting the pandemic that Covid-19 brought to us, right now im wearing my protection, and the strength that i’ve earn when im at home.

Because of the very long time that we are locked in our own box we are battling with our mental stability, also the financial problem that brought also to other people hunger and death because they can’t able to find where they can buy more cheaper price and able to earn as well because of closing of establishments, finding out that we are facing this problems.

By the power up there, i know that we can survive to this challenges, all this we can all past trough all, with this challenges remains us what we’ve learned is that praying to God is the most powerful tool to have.

On what is inside of my heart is always to help others, by taking green up project cleaning, because i’m grateful, i was able to help, and also protecting and saving the green of the earth.

It was wonderful to serve the mother earth because it is very timely and relevant right now, thanks to my friends who are taking my vision and mission to protect it and helping my mental health as well.

As I work to earn this momentum, as well as a healthy relationship with nature, my mental health, and stigma about what is outside in this world, I’m currently preparing for my final rehearsal in order to conquer my fear, which is achieving my dreams and goals in life.

This is the day were in i finally facing my fear wherein i can see the reality, but i know i stick to my core which back on my roots on where i came from, i have the support with my family, and i trained for weeks, not only weeks, but months, that i know i can achieve this.

After 8hrs of waiting in the venue… Right now, finally my manifestation become a reality winning a title and achievement and standing in front of the stage seeing many people, im still really shock and not sink in my mind that they say my name.

“I think the biggest pressure the youth today is facing is to believe in themselves. To know that you are unique and that what makes you beautiful, stop comparing yourselves with others and let’s talk about more important things that are happening worldwide. Enjoy the moments with yourself”




Very creative. Very impressive

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Thank you for the comment. :hugs::raised_hands:

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Hello, here is my entry for this bounty
A fiction story written by @cjaneartz
Near Wallet: cjaneartz.near

Once upon a time, there were two young friends, John and Jonathan.

They were close to each other as if they were real brothers. Their friendship lasted until they grew old.

They go together wherever they go, shopping, , looking for a job and even traveling to another place.

But one day, they saw a woman and they both fell in love with her. None of them want to give in and they both want to fight for their feelings.

Since then they have always argued until they decided to end their friendship. And they parted ways.

Since then they never saw each other again. John had a good life while Jonathan lost his way and became a vagabond.

But one day, as John was on his way to work he saw Jonathan next to a store.
His body was so thin, changed and full of dirt that he could barely recognize it. John felt pity so he talked to him and brought him to their house. Bathed, dressed and fed good food.

Since then they talked about the past and they forgave each other. This was the beginning of rebuilding their friendship and they lived together again while fighting the challenges of life.

The End


Story & Pictures by @JohnWike

Wallet ID: johnwike.near

Once upon a time, on a bushy path was a note of money.

A little girl saw the money and bent to pick it up

A man passing by saw her trying to pick the money and stopped her

The man told her that it was wrong to pick money one wasnt sure of the source and told her never to pick money on the ground. The little girl said thank you and left. When the man saw that the girl had gone, he bent down and picked the money.

The moment the man’s hand touched the money, he turned into a corn.

Not long after, a goat saw the corn and wanted to eat it

but the little girl came and chased the goat away to save the cornman.

Lucky for the man,the little girl had seen him when he had picked the corn and turned into a corn.
“Corn man, why didn’t you practice what you preach” the little girl said.The corn man didn’t turn back to a man but he lived safe and happily ever after with the girl.

The End


wallet- dachi.near

Once upon a time, in a life of an ambitious undergrad, After a long semester of continuous work in school, it was only right for a summer vacation away from school work and traumas
I forced my parent to give their daughter a break, it was a rough long talk but successful, you’d understand better if you had a glimpse of a typical African home
It’s was finally the day, on a Saturday morning trying to catch a 9:00am flight to the country’s capital “Abuja” from home here in Lagos, I had my fair share of Lagos traffic.
Finally arrived, it was my first time in the capital. It was far different from the busy and tedious life of Lagos.
Three words to explain the city “Calm, Peaceful and Serene. Honestly I wished it was a one way ticket
Finally arrived at my hotel and had lunch.
Stepped out and had a tour around the beautiful city of Abuja with the travel crew.
Got back, made memories, It was an experience I wish never ended but it did, the weekend was short-lived like every other one.
The end



Wallet ID: mohens.near

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in a little town on the edge of a mysterious river. The town prospered more than any other for so many years because of this river until things changed.

Seasons turned but the farmers had only toiled for naught. The fields yielded not, greens hurtled towards dead brown, and all harvest was rot.

This little girl who lived in this little village was born after the last great turn, knowing only a time when leaves shriveled and fell. She had just her father, her little brother, and her songs.

As though alive, her songs would stir in her heart, thump hard at her chest, begging for release. Her father though, he would not hear a word of it. “But it is unfair to judge papa so hurriedly”, she’d say to herself, her chin tucked carefully in the hollow of her palm, wishing that she could help save her town.

One day, by the river, this little girl sat and sang songs. She had learnt a river song. So, she sang this song, a tune so melodic and soulful that the place became charged with a certain energy. The soft winds gathered as the waters stirred in the river, the breeze moving trees and shrub, whistling in harmony. And there appeared a stranger, a being draped in white, with its hair a full head of locs.

The stranger walked towards her, it had a puzzled look on its face, no one had come to the river in years. Her hands between her legs, she looked straight at this being that had seemingly come out of nowhere. “Aren’t you afraid”, it asked, surprised by her confidence. “No, I am not afraid”, she replied. The creature seemed pleased.

They talked and as they did the creature revealed to her that it was the spirit of the river. It talked about how the people neglected the river and only misused it for their own gains. The creature seemed deeply hurt as it spoke to the little girl, the being confessed to having been moved by her songs and was curious to know who she was. And this little girl, a creature so brittle and yet so pure, she had moved this old river spirit.

Time had gone, the little girl had to return home but before going she pleaded with the river spirit, she told the spirit of how the town had suffered greatly because of the rains that didn’t come and the river that dried up. She promised to return everyday to sing and talk, if it forgave the town. The spirit agreed and then promised to send rain by the morning.

So, this is the story of one certain little girl from a little town on the edge of a mysterious river. A tale of friendship in unexpected places and with the most unlikely of persons. A story of how boldness and a little kindness saved many.


This story gives a meaning value to people. The story is great. I like it. :hugs:


Glad you like it. Thanks

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Inspiring. Lovely story and great feed

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Picture depiction featuring me.

Title: The Race between worlds (a short story)

Once upon a time , there was a boy named Tayo and he was a good child.

Unfortunately, he had lost his sight in a car accident,

but he never gave up on life. Everyday he demonstrated that he could manage to live without being a burden to others. Many times he even went from his village and came back all by himself.

In the same village, there was an arrogant girl called Manu. One day Manu wanted to make fun of Tayo and challenged him to a race from the village to the town.

Tayo accepted. “Okay but on one condition. If i win the race you will give me a big Can of oil.”

Manu, added one more condition. “I set the time and place for the race.”
She chose the forest path leading to the town.

It didn’t matter to Tayo if it was rough and dangerous. He walked as he always did and reached the town.

But manu got lost and fell into many holes and got thorns in her body and face.

She arrived town an hour later than Tayo.

Tayo was elated and won the big can of oil.

The end.

Near wallet/Tag ; ace17.near
Thank you for reading :heart:

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