Things are moving along and we’re pretty pumped about our goals this quarter.
Next week’s priorities are as follows:
Identify Top 3 Projects to support this quarter
Distribute onboarding survey for users in the month of January
Finalize updated Reporting Format for Community Concierge
Add new Calendly Round-Robin options + data integrations
Introduce Calendly Processes to Moderators
Regional Guilds BluePrint draft
Updated Guild Reporting Support
Drafting this quarter’s campaigns
work with Jess, Erika, and INC4 to publish the first of 8 Guild Stories
I also want to give a quick shout out to the Community Concierge (moderators). They’ve been doing great work over the past few months and are ramping up to accomplish more!
Wishing everyone a restful weekend, let’s kick more ass next week!
Copper onboarding (manually going through requests whilst we wait for the automation to be fixed soon!)
Guilds Platform strategy publicized (update on progress, phases, next steps, potential incentives)
Create the Focus / advisory group for guilds platform led by chronear
Define role of OWS, distinguish product/service overlap with Guilds onboarding project
Finalise resources and timelines for onboarding funnel project (input from external agency)
Work with JC and ops team to publish the first of 8 Guild Stories (blog + socials)
New template for monthly forum posts update on forum plus the First “Guilds Highlights” Report published (qualitative and quantitive data) with help from @simeon4real and @chronear
Actively wrapping up 30-day Team milestones capture for the Community Team Q1 Road map and pushing forward into 60-90 days in collaboration with @shreyas@olga
ETHDenver Community Activations: confirming schedule and content with @jlwaugh [have a Thurs. 20 deadline for all preliminary conversations to be completed]
Solidifying and publicizing the Info Team 2022 strategy (in close collaboration with @shreyas)
Helping @Grace and Guilds Team to finalize the Guilds Tier 1 & Tier 2 applicant assessment parameters and timeline
Focus group testing for the KYC integration being built by Education to add the missing full identity verification piece to our new payout process
Completing the draft of the brief the DAO Working Group’s first use case of NEARWEEK and the NEWS DAO (next meeting is this coming Thursday, turns out it wasn’t this week after all)