Gilbert chembe
PROJECT:- VIDEO Shooting of one track August 2022
Greetings to the NXM/ Councils/ members for the support you have been doing to me and others from the web3 ecosystem/Near protocol.
The report of my projects funds May 2022 is the link below , was successful but I was hoping it’ll take me a month but at the end I found out it took me up to two months, Thanks again am grateful for everything.
For this month I want to shoot a video of the track ( Rastaman na Fraid) is the song title my new EP Full Album that was funded by NXM/ Councils/ Members last two months.
So far so good the track is putting waves on the outside would and Web3 ecosystem/Near protocol , since am doing my projects I’ve not come up with a good video that I can put on the mintbase store/ NXM Open store/ but am so interesting on doing the video of the song title ( Rastaman na Fraid)
With all do respect am requesting the sum of 500usd in Near to work on this project and mint it on the NXM Open store.
I wanted to use this video as an opportunity for me to keep on Educating artist from Cameroon about NXM/ and for sure.
The community or country am coming from ,they are not many at the Web3 ecosystem/Near protocol/NXM.
But with the effort am putting now is making them to believe that there’s Success in the Community/Guild.
I have been as a member of NXM / GUILD since February 2021 and I’ve been fighting to show my people the existence and also the excitement of being a member into the web3 ecosystem/Near protocol/ NXM GUILD,
Now that am seeing thier concerned and from what the Guild has been doing to my Musical Career makes them to believe that is not only on minting your songs on mintbase but you can collaborate with artist and producers with graphics designers from the Globe or all over the world / Digital communities
I will love to show case the NXM logos on the video and makes it existence to be recorded , and also will create an interview on the beginning of the video were I will be telling the world about Near protocol web3 ecosystem/ NXM GUILD.
This video will be my first video NFT as a member of the Web3 ecosystem (NXM)
Am pleading on the NXM Councils members:
For Granting my projects proposal to be Approval
Thanks again once more
I’ve check out the expencies is going to be needing 350usd in near for the video shooting and editing ,
For models and dancers which I won’t need much of them,so it will cost me just 100usd in near
Graphics designer will be just 30usd in near
Transportation will be just 20 usd in Near
Totall amount requesting : 500usd in NEAR
Target: jahzone.near
Thanks to NXM / Guild/ Moderators