Hey Everyone!
Introduction Post: [Starting] NEAR NFT WEEKLY NEWS
Started In: September 2021
Published Issues: 51 Issues till August End
Project Name: NEAR NFT Week
Project Status: [In progress]
Project Members:
Project Accounting: current account balance: 41.51 USD | 9.74 $NEAR *
Funding Period : September
Last Funding Report (May)
Budget Breakdown
- Council Work: $500
- 2 NFT Week Agents collecting the details of daily events
$ 750 X 2 Agents = $ 1500 | Working Hours 24+ Hrs /Week - Graphic Designing: 80+ Infographic posts (Will be minted later on Mintbase)
$ 500 - 2 Relation Officers (RO) doing weekly communication with the communities before posting the content.
$200 X 2 RO = $ 400 - Mintbase Store for Minting the Newsletter: $100 (Store yet to be created)
NEAR NFT Week has been publishing NFT Marketplaces and Communities Weekly updates since September last year.
Currently we are posting about Weekly Updates of the following Marketplace/Communities
- [Marketplace] Mintbase
- [Marketplace] Paras
- [Marketplace] Naksh
- [Marketplace] Nativo NFT
- [Marketplace] Apollo42
- [Marketplace] Tomago
- [Marketplace] Nifty Comedian
- [Marketplace] Auction House
- [Marketplace] UniqArt
- [Marketplace] Few and Far
- [Community] Marma J Foundation DAO
- [Community] Muti Collective DAO
- [Community] HYPE DAO
- [Community] Filipino Artist Guild DAO
- [Community] Kalakendra DAO
- [Community] Goa DAO
- [Community] Tenk DAO
- [Community] Capital Guild DAO
Budget Request: $3000
This is our second time request, 1st Request : http://gov.near.org/t/approved-near-nft-week-may-funding-request/20440
Expected Monthly Metrics for Success
- Publishing weekly Newsletter for 10 Marketplaces and 8 Communities
- New Collaborations with communities/marketplace to cover in our newsletter.
- Visitors on week.nearnft.club website
- No. of shares of our publications on our stakeholders Twitter account.
Connect with Us
- Website: https://week.nearnft.club
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEARNFTWEEK
- Telegram: Telegram: Contact @nearnftweek
- Collaboration Form: NEAR NFT Week Collaboration Form
Tagging Council for the visibility: @creativesdao-council