[Closed] Near french Dao Monthly marketing and community Growth Budget - October


Hi @marketingdao-council

Summary :
There is 270 million people speak the French language worldwide , so having a Near french community it’s so important to introduce the project for all the French speakers and get many peoples around the world .

Description :

The NEAR French Dao existed since March 2021, and For now we have for the French community :

([MarketingDAO - NEAR Forum ](MarketingDAO - NEAR Forum

** Our social media channels** :

Twitter NEAR français :
https://twitter.com/NearFrancais?t=mwULghUsQK5waUyE_lYyCA&s=09 2

Telegram "NEAR Français " :

Medium Account “Near Français” :

Near Social " new account" :

Our objective is to educate Every French speaker around the world who has heard of blockchain about the NEAR Protocol. As a result, as a team, we are working to spread the word about the NEAR Protocol everywhere

Key Results :

The account Twitter @NearFrancais:
More than 1858 followers and more than 1340 tweets :slight_smile:
The account Twitter : since 03/2021

The Telegram channel Near Français :
We have more than 600 members
Since 07/2021

We provide 24/7 support on every ecosystem issue as much as possible

The first account on medium ( 50 articles published ( Near ecosystem contents )

The second account on medium ( Near français ) : 27 articles published ( Near ecosystem contents )

** Reach / KPI**

Twitter: 1900 followers / 50 new posts
Telegram: 650 members / daily support
4 Articles on Medium / month
1 offline Events talking about BOS
Near Social: 50 followers

** Team :

  • Abdelillah , The leader of Near French Guild , I created the French community since march 2021 , I worked to develop the French community and now the community grows , we have more than 2500 French speakers ( twitter , telegram and medium ) .

  • David . 32 years old.
    Scrum Master & C# Dev/DevOps in a Medical Device Company
    I jumped in crypto in 2019, starting with testnet on Cosmos Ecosystem, then i join NEAR in 2020.
    I was in OpenShard Alliance, my knowledge growed and Blaze involve me as Co-Leader.
    I created my NEAR mainnet Validator in 2021, PandaTeam.
    NEAR Foundation asked me to help them to monitor the Telegram and the Discord.
    I lead StakeWars III, with Pagoda & NEAR Team in june 2022 to November 2022.
    I got a role as Project Manager/Moderator at Cheddar (CheddarFi) in early 2023.
    I’m Moderator on another Discord (FetchAI - Cosmos Ecosystem)

** Needs :

1- ** Education ** : 1200$

  • Translate / write : 4 articles (1 article/7 days) With an average of 1500 words per article …
    We choose the latest articles About Near ecosystem to keep the French community always with the Update and newness of the project , also we help to introduce the new projects on Near ( NFT , GameFi , multiverse … ) by translating their articles , we have a collaboration with many projects : Octopus network , Aurora , PembRock Finance , NearBlocks , LearnNear , Debio , myriad , NearStarter , Stader Near , Fusotao , Atocha, NDC, BOS …

  • Support community members 24/7, share daily news within the NEAR ecosystem, activity contest, small giveaways to increase group activity
    We are working to publish all the news About Near ecosystem in French language in all our social media

  • Providing daily support on Twitter and post the latest news in french and create posts and make retweets

2- ** BOS ** : 600$
Online Event :

  • 1-2 AMA’s sessions talking about BOS with a special giveaway

  • Onboard new developers to use BOS.

  • We post something on Nearby Social, users are encouraged to like and comment, increasing the number of transactions.

  • We bring in more users and they generate more transactions.
    We will make tutorial directly in BOS, with the aim to attract French Community on BOS. This will have a double effects:

→ Increase number of Transactions by 10%
→ Increase number of Users by 20%

  • David will be actively participating in NearCon event representing our vibrant French community.

1800$ / month

NEAR Wallet ID: near-french.sputnik-dao.near

Thank you for your proposal.

Read more about our recent update and align http://gov.near.org/t/marketing-eco-dao-octobers-funding-round/36635

Also, provide your previous report, whether it was funded or not, to see your commitment report

Hi @abdelillah77 have you posted a report for previous funding? Can you add to the proposal? We need to review performance around KPIs before considering allocating future/additional funding. Thanks!

Hello @abdelillah77 given feedback from DAV, we can’t support your proposal.