[Closed] Near Community Workshop, Westland Kenya

AM a Blockchain enthusiast, passionate about Blockchain technology and web 3 at large, began my Blockchain and Crypto adventure in mid 2020, and have been actively engaging in community growth in Nairobi, through attending various blockchain events, organizing Blockchain meetups and workshops.

Proposal Introduction

Am proposing to Organize Near and Web 3 2day workshop in Nairobi, focusing on Blockchain technology, web 3 and how developers can transform from web 2.

The main goals of these workshops will be to introduce Near Blockchain to our community, encourage developers and entrepreneurs to develop their startups using Near, help the unbanked access free decentralized Banking, with cheap crypto collateralized loans, high APY through staking and lending.

The Kenyan community will benefit from these workshops as they will gain more knowledge about Blockchain and its advantages.

The grant funds will be allocated to Event venue Near merchandize, purchasing eatables, and refreshments and Honorarium to event organizers and speakers.

Proposed Date: 23rd to 24th September 2022
Expected Participants: 35
Venue: Lotos Inn, Westland, Kenya


  1. Introduce our community to Near Blockchain
  2. Create more than 30 Near wallets
  3. Create a simple smart contract deployed on Near Blockchain
  4. Create and grow social media channels with at least 500 followers

Learning materials will be derived from https://www.near.university/ and https://dacade.org/

Proposed Budget:

Venue rental: $250 (2days)

Projector: $170 (2days)

Audio System: $200 (2days)

Near merchandise: 35* $12 = $420 ($840 2days)

Food: 35 * $8.5 = $297 ($594 2 days)

Drinks 35 * $4.2 = $147 ($294 2days)

Speakers and Organizers $300

Total $2648

Wallet ID: makoha.near


@David_NEAR @marketingdao-council


For similar reasons to the last proposal submitted to the forum, I cannot support:

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I taged @Sankore2.0 in the last proposal and he didnt show up, was advised to create I knew one which I did

hello, could you use the NEAR native wallet with (name.near) please? wallet.near.org
if you need help with that, contact me for NEARDROP link

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Thank you @IgbozeIsrael, Just created it and replaced it in the proposal!!

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Hello @Makoha, for verification, you were to reach out to Kevin via DM here on the forum or telegram to discuss and report to the community if it’s possible for your event to come into their budget.
Kevin is Sankore’s Hub Lead.

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@IgbozeIsrael I thought tagging @Sankore2.0 in the proposal was a better way of open discussion with them and the community than DM

It’s been long Kevin has been seen on the forum. I guess because he is busy

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They don’t share the progess back with the forum community? I have seen most of other communities do so here with reports

This is Sankore’s TG handle. You can find Kevin there.

About sharing forum reports, I have no idea

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Thank you, will share with them on Telegram too

@Dacha you can have this proposal closed, I contacted Kevin Via telegram but no response.

Thank you!!

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Hello @Dacha I never received feedback from @Sankore2.0, kindly requesting to re look into this proposal by marketing Dao members instead of creating another proposal.

@Mazi Hello. Do you have any information?

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@Dacha is it Justifiable to create another proposal or to continue with this one?


Yes, please, if you couldn’t reach people from Sankore hub. Thank you.

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It’s hard reaching out to Kevin. Maybe due to the work load of Sankore.


@Makoha in case you need any assistance with events/ community organisation in Nairobi, pls do reach out to our marketing lead Lillian: TG: Telegram: Contact @Lamaingi

I want to make sure you don’t feel left out!


Thank you, will be reaching out to her

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