*Title: ** The Hillside Rays
Artist: louietism.near

I remembered the day when i saw an solar eclipse for the first time on top of the hill while playing with my childhood friends it reminiscent new birth and new aspirations as darkness takes place and takes a minute to see again the brighter side.


" A Gentle Hug "

My sister and I were sent to Ilo ilo far from my parents when we were little because our father lost his work and we needed to come in province to save money. My aunt and cousins didn’t treat us well, contrary to what I had anticipated. Because I felt the need then and those who took me in didn’t think of me as family, that is when I realized how challenging it is to grow up without a mother. As time passes, I feel like I’m becoming more and more hopeless and it torn me into a pieces. But when my mother and I finally meet again. All the hurt and resentment in my life vanished with just one hug from her. Shifted to light emotions, and happiness. It appears as though the flowers I planted in my heart have sprouted new life. I feel as I’ve returned to my younger years, when all I want to do is embrace and cuddle with my mother. Even though I’m old and have the freedom to live my life as I like, I still with my mom and give her the same warm embrace I did when I was a child. Experience the power of my mother’s love when all hurt vanish and joy resurfaces. I embrace the warmth of childhood memories with a single hug. Watch as a flowers to bloom and reviving the innocence of the childhood, that bond remains unbreakable. I still come home wrap my arm around my mom and relish the magic of my inner child.


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Title: From Dark to Heart
Artist: jcsarts.near

Trauma is really hard, especially for children who are afraid to speak for themselves. Though it may be all good for your present self now, you must still remember that your inner child is still suffering from it. Meditation and talking to yourself is one way to heal your inner child. We are the only one who can help the children self inside of us. We should guide our inner child from the dark to our hearts, where it is peaceful and quiet, full of happiness and away from danger. Healing our inner child from traumas is so important because it can affect our present self as well. It may be hard at first, but we should step out of the dark and go to the brighter side.


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Thanks :pray:

Title: Let it be with you

Unresolved childhood wounds can linger in our subconscious, affecting our adult lives. For me inner child healing involves reconnecting with our inner child, it is to accept and play with the younger version of ourselves. This process allows for healing and growth, bridging the gap between past and present, promoting personal well-being. :mending_heart:

We are growing old broken and wounded, because we dont play anymore, never restrict that younger you inside, let it out let it heal together with you, let it heal with its older self, and that is present you. :baby::adult:

(The artstyle is intented to make it like its drawn by a kid)

Artist: monosid.near

Title: Flower

“Have we grown?”
“We have bloomed!”

A healing hug is what we need in our inner child, from having a sprout to a blooming flower in which symbolizes growth. A mixed emotions are shown in this art from having a feeling of satisfaction, love, growth and care from ourselves is indeed a tears of joy. This art portrays that we did a great decision from not listening to others even in our own family’s hurtful words such as “You can’t do that”, “you are not going to make it”, “you are just wasting your time” and those words can scar our dreams and self confidence but we chose to listen in our hearts. We followed the path that we knew and we proved them that we are becoming a better version of ourselves than we were in our past.

Artist: pemmiee.near


I send my submission on telegram

Title : We are always a kid

Life is often better when we’re kids. In psychology, many problems and illnesses are connected to our inner child. Psychologists focus on healing this part of a person to help them heal and move forward. We all have that inner child inside us, so we need to accept that we’re always a bit like a kid. No matter how old we get, that child is still there.

When the inner child is happy, it’s more likely that the person will be happy too. But if the inner child goes through bad experiences or has unfulfilled dreams, it can cause problems. This can create issues deep inside a person.

This art is a way to show that even as adults, we shouldn’t forget to have fun, laugh, and be happy. In our minds, there’s still a part of us that wants to enjoy life like a child. No matter how stressed we are, we shouldn’t be too hard on ourselves. Let’s make our inner child happy and remember to play and have joy in our lives.

Artist : ash_jose.near

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Title: “A Mother’s Embrace”

Description: This art piece explores the concept of inner child healing, the journey of self-discovery and acceptance that comes with healing past traumas and wounds. The artwork depicts a mother’s embrace as a symbol of comfort, security, and unconditional love. The mother, with her arms open wide, represents the healing power of love and the healing effects of mother’s embrace. The presence of a baby within her embrace symbolizes the inner child within each of us, the wounded and hurting part of ourselves that needs to be acknowledged, cared for, and ultimately healed. The piece is a reminder of the importance of self-care and the journey of discovering and honoring our inner child, even in the darkest of moments.

Artist: yozora_hoshimi
Near Wallet: yozorahoshimi.near

|“A Mother’s Embrace” Art by: yozora_hoshimi|

Submitted on telegram :sparkles:

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I will extend this Bounty until October 30th


Artist: yozora_hoshimi yozorahoshimi.near

Artist : ash_jose.near

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Title: “Rediscovering the Lost Self”

This piece delves into the profound process of reconnecting with the inner child, a therapeutic voyage of self-discovery and healing that transcends words and speaks directly to the heart.

Artist: locusa_666.near

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Title: 𝗞𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗮

“𝐿𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑎 𝑘𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑎 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
𝑤𝑒 𝑡𝑜𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑜 𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑢𝑑
𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑚 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑”.

Growing up, my parents or anyone in my family didn’t have to teach me or help me with my schoolwork, so they think I’m naturally smart because I was always this “independent kid” who figured everything out on my own, and now I’m constantly trying to prove them wrong. When in reality, I’m not sure where I’m going and have only kept doing what I’m doing because I’m the eldest child, the first achiever in the family, and everyone has high expectations for me. I burned too brightly, too quickly, and burned myself out, so I now feel like a failure when I don’t meet the expectations that everyone has placed on me.

And I’m still living with the pressure to prove my worth.

It’s about time that I should give myself enough room for everything. A room to process my thoughts, a room to heal from unacknowledged wounds, a room to reconnect with my ground, a room to enjoy all my small winnings, a room to learn and unlearn things, and a room to be the most raw version of myself. It’s about time for me to forgive myself for not becoming the person I wanted to be. Be gentle and kind to my ‘now’ and appease my younger self. I want to take the process and whatever it takes, no matter how many times it knocks me down, I always see myself finding a reason to stand.

Artist: swilart2.near

Please is this bounty still on?

Title: Moon

The youngster’s skyward glance at the moon represents a potent metaphor for overcoming suffering and the harsh outside world. The moon, a celestial body that has been the silent witness to innumerable human tales, keeps watch over our tribulations. It stands for the unwavering presence of hope even amid the most difficult circumstances. The child’s deliberate decision to turn their gaze toward the moon represents an effort to shift their attention away from any guilt or suffering that may have been weighing on them.

A calm glow surrounds the youngster as a result of the moon’s soothing light. It represents the ability of inner resilience and strength to transform. As the moon waxes and wanes, so do our feelings of suffering and condemnation. This piece of art makes the argument that while important, these events don’t sum up who we are. There is a greater, more resilient part of us that can endure and prosper.

A fresh sense of confidence and self-assurance may be seen in the child’s posture, which is strong and steadfast. They have made the decision to overcome the harshness of the world, not be overcome by it. This picture is consistent with the notion that adversity can make us stronger and more resilient.

Entry link: drive. google .com/file/d/1-_oe1iDRgsGcLeYYKxh7AyzRyZYdpKzX/view?usp=sharing

** Just remove the spacing as I am getting an error when sending links. Thank you!

Healing is a long process and growing up is a journey. The more we walk, the farther we’ll be from our shell. And traces from there route back to our childhood where our journey was raw and pure. The paths taken are different and our experiences conclude them. Healing our inner child is challenging and the level of impact depends on the person. But no matter how dark the road we once tread, the healing still comes from your self reflection. Healing your inner child means accepting and listening from it. Taking more time to reflect and meditate as well as revisiting your memories and doing the things you love as a kid.

Artist: elvatar02.near

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We will announce the winner in the Near Hub “South East Asian Hub”.
There are still 8 hours left after I post here :blush:

Hi, here’s my submission:
Title: Reflections
As we grow, our lives begin to unfold according to our past actions and words, things we learned and practiced. Understanding who we are and what purpose we have can be clearly seen when we reflect on the previous versions of ourselves from childhood. We experience pain, as a result of some things we might have experienced growing up, didn’t have the privilege of doing certain things, sometimes because of the bad attitude of other.
As we reconnect with our inner self, we find the meting point between the little one and the grown up, hence purpose becomes no longer a mystery.

Google Photos

Artist: eliaszinas.near

Title: Eternal Embrace

In the tranquil serenity of a sun-kissed meadow, a mother and her child stand locked in an embrace that transcends time and space. The harmony of the natural world envelops them as if in a protective cocoon, while the sun’s gentle rays shower them with a divine warmth. The mother’s tender hug, infused with unconditional love, offers solace, security, and an unspoken promise of eternal protection. Her child, nestled in her arms, feels the world’s worries melt away, finding a sanctuary in the comforting cocoon of their bond.

As they bask in the radiant glow of this loving embrace, the meadow’s harmonious backdrop symbolizes the unity of mother and child, a connection that runs as deep as the roots of the ancient trees and as far-reaching as the limitless sky. This beautiful moment reminds us that a mother’s love is a timeless, boundless force that cradles us through life’s journey, ensuring we always have a safe haven in which to find solace and strength.

Artist: klaynramos.near

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This participant sent a picture on the 30th at 5 pm WIB

I’m from Omega-digiworld DAO and have a friend in FAG who invited me to join this kind of bounty. Hence, here’s my entry sir.

“Heartstrings’ Harmony”

In a canvas world where love’s beguiled,
A mother and her inner child.
Their love, a symphony of grace,
In “Heartstrings’ Harmony,” we embrace.

Her arms, a haven, tender, mild,
A shelter for her precious child.
In colors that on feelings spill,
This painting whispers, “love is still.”

The years may pass, the seasons mild,
Yet in her arms, the inner child.
A timeless bond, forever true,
In this artwork, we find our cue.

Their love, a melody compiled,
In “Heartstrings’ Harmony,” reconciled.
A masterpiece of love’s pure trace,
A mother and her inner child’s embrace.

NW: yinnn025.near

Hello, has this been announced?