And this is where the issue comes in and this is exactly one of the reasons I refused to partake in this bounty like I knew something like this was gonna happen…whenever people partake in bounties they always wanna know when it’s gonna end Buh showing up on a day which you’re suppose to announce the winners to say that the date has been extended seems very very unfair to the previous participants a fix date should be a fixed date so it doesn’t seem like you’re tryna show favoritism or stuffs like that….and the 25th also seems too far admin should look into this because family tend to do things In oneness and agreement instead of pull off all these stunts I pray n hope the admins looks into this @DUCHESS1@Jummyk
This my entry in the family DAO Artisans.
This is a wood and beads, work of one of the local music instrument… called Pellet Rattle.
I made this instrument with a calabash .I sew the beads to the net around the Calabash which produces sound when hit. it is played by taping the beads.
Hello people, my name is Ogadima… I saw about this post on facebook, and this is my entry for my work, This is a mirror i made by myself if i win, i wow the real product will be given as collectible