(CLOSED) Community onboarding through a Talent hunt program

Thank you for this proposal,

I want to start by acknowledging that Education is extremely important as we seek to grow the NEAR ecosystem - we must onboard builders, users, etc.

I do not think that having Education at a music event is appropriate. Drawing from personal experience having both attended music events and having spent countless hours learning and teaching both online and IRL - context matters:

  • Community Funding is available to initiatives that can have High Impact on NEAR ecosystem. There is A TON of free content widely available online. Education with a price tag must be targeted;
  • For targeted education to be valuable, it must be aimed at the right target segment. People attending an music event are unqualified leads as far as NEAR goes.
  • Ideal customer segments and education would be a group that is experiencing a strong pain point and holding events that teach people how Web3 and NEAR can solve that pain point: encourage them to want to be part of a movement, have clear Call to Actions, etc.

In its current form, I do not support this proposal

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Thank you for your comment @satojandro

And that is main goal of the event… to get potential users on board and make them active by engaging them…

Music is also an education and can be related to other subjects as a course … education with elites shouldn’t be in a bored environment and according to the plan it’s Near education stating how to go about getting on board and opportunities with crypto, NFTs and Near protocol … I got on board through a music event … and according to the feasibility studies been made gathering youths here in Ibadan you must involve entertainment to draw attentions of people …
Thank you @satojandro

Thank you @satojandro
This is part of the objectives… and one of the pain point I discovered with young talents are : after making music tracks what next? Can they promote it on their own, how can they earn from the produced musics and comedians making skits as well … we are teaching how web3 and Near can be answers to these … thank you

I will take the necessary steps on the proposal considering all you have stated and make it clear just as you have said @satojandro and also considering what @cryptocredit stated … thank you