[CHALLENGE HACKATHON AUGUST] Create a service Dapp for artistic equippment

In the scope of the upcoming METABUIDL Hackathon 27.8.-12.9. Partners Challenge in August muti DAO will participate by offering a challenge for developers:

We are looking forward to an application which allows users to sell and buy artistic materials and eventually also artistic services (design/branding/composing etc.) directly with NEAR/their nearname as a log in so that a fiat conversion is not needed anymore. We believe that this will be beneficial for the whole ecosystem as it can also serve as a prototype for other applications for goods/services in the future and as NEAR will gain value through the usage.

More infos about the requirements, prizes and other challenges here:

Previous discussion about the Dapp in here:

If you are interested comment here & connect with us through TG.

The submissions will be judged by members of the muti DAO as well as a member of the INC4 Guild, Oleksii Pyltsov.

Lets hack creatively!


Hi everyone,

Just want to share that I am very interested in this challenge and already hacking!


Great, we are looking forward to your proposal then. Feel free to ask any questions you might have in here or in our TG :slight_smile:

I’ve submitted. I think you’ll get a notification of the material I included. If not, can share.


Hey there,
haven’t received a notification yet but saw it on the Airtable!

Thank you for the participation!



thank you very much for participating in the Hackathon Challenge @0xf !
We will definitely continue with this idea and hope that it can be developed at some stage, hopefully with some monthly bounties (feel free to participate if you would still be interested).

As a thank you & reward for the participation we have been allocating the amount of 150 USD for time & efforts spent even if the official price from the Hackathon has not been received.

Please add your nearname in your previous post & feel free to ask for the payout with this forum link in the muti DAO.
150 USD currently 19N (coingecko, 7.10. 00:11 am)

Thanks, submitted - SputnikDAO

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Hackathon challenge checking payout proposal:
Team: INC4 guild
N of man-hrs spent: 15
Price / hr: 50 USD
Total price: 750 USD
NEAR account: primaveralina.near

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Thank you very much for your support! We hope we can eventually again work together with the INC4 Guild!:slight_smile:
Please send a payout proposal to our muti Sputnik DAO for 100N (N 7.53$, coingecko, 14.10. 11:57am)

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Thank you @tabear :slightly_smiling_face:
Hoping for fruitful cooperation in the NEARest future!

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