[BOUNTY] Create metaverse tutorials for Nesteria/NesterCity, Decentraland, Substrata, and Sandbox

I am not sure if i can submit it today.

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Good Evenings, I’ve tried creating a video as quickly as possible. My sincere apologizes if i missed any point in the tutorial video. Here you go.

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Only 1 more tutorial needed and that is decentraland… somehow that game is quite diffcult to play if your PC or site is keep logging.

Waiting for @SkazOne to upload your decentraland toturial :hugs::blush:

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Working on that rn. I should have it done by tonight.


Could u do it, friend, @SkazOne?

@ImJami2017 thank you for sandbox tutorial. Let me ask you: do u think u could remove the background noise from the video?

Hi, @TRosario. Thank you for your tutorial. I am uploading it on youtube. Could you mint an extract of the video with link to youtube in our mintbase store? As the last time?

Youtube video: Metaverse DAO Tutorials #05: Nestercity (NEAR) - YouTube

Our store on mintbase: NEAR Metaverse History on Mintbase

After you post the NFT here, you can ask for your payout proposal of 200 usd in DAI on our astrodao.

@stunter31 thank you so much for your tutorial. Please, mint it in our Mintbase store (or an extract of it, with the link to youtube video in the description). And please send half of the copies to the dao’s wallet.

If you want to make another video to complete the video with the building part, I can add you as a collaborator in one of my substrata parcels, in order for you to show how to build. Would you like it?

Youtube link: Metaverse DAO Tutorials #06: Substrata - YouTube

Please, after mint the NFT, bring us the link here and ask for your payout proposal of 200 usd in DAI on our astrodao.

yeah just redoing the voiceover, it wasnt good enough.

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Good Evenings. Here is my mint regarding the tutorial video.

Metaverse DAO Tutorials - Substrata Tutorial on Mintbase

And astrodao payment request link: DAO Proposal (astrodao.com)

As for the question you asked, I would love to continue with the tutorial video regarding showing how to build; however, I do not think my knowledge of English is good enough to do so. Thank you for this amazing bounty regardless :slight_smile:

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Hellow @thephilosopher ., kindly pls check it :point_up: again my video tutorial posted. I already removed noise background. I hope this will works fine now with u…

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NFT created and sent to the Metaverse Wallet and DAO

Also proposal created :slight_smile:

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@ImJami2017, I am not able to download your file. Always near the end, there is some kind of error at the download. I tried 4 times. Do u think u can try sending by wetransfer?

Hi @thephilosopher , Can i DM you in chat in telegram so i can learn what is wetransfer you mention.

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u upload the file here and send me the link. <3

but u can talk to me on telegram too :smiley:

Ok thank you sir., pls check DM in Telegram.

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Here is your link, @ImJami2017: Metaverse DAO Tutorials #08: Sandbox - YouTube
Thank you for the tutorial. Please, after minting the NFT, come here to send the link and you can ask for your payout proposal.

Thank you for the video upload in the youtube sir @thephilosopher :hugs:

Can you pls add me in mintbase metaverse dao so i can be able to mint my youtube link along with the 1 min. video cover, my near wallet is : jami2017.near

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done, my dear! :smiley: <3 I added u rn.

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Thank you for your patience sir @thephilosopher ., here is my minted tutorial for the metaverse dao.

And thank you for choosing my tutorial. :hugs::blush:

Here is my Proposal request in Astro Dao. Thank you. :hugs:

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