[Bounty] Create Infographics and join Community DAO activities

Dear Sandboxers and Nearians,

Along with the Activation of Guildathon @ETHDenver2022, we are happy to get involved and announce a fun activity for you.

What to do?

Create a thread of infographics (min 5 infographics) to promote Guildathon/Community DAO/ETH Denver and post on active social media (Min 100 followers)

5 chosen threads to be rewarded 10 NEAR each (5 claims available)

Selection process

Everyone is welcome to join the selection process by voting on Community DAO. (Learn more about community DAO)

Step by step instructions:

  1. Read [Activation] Guildathon @ ETHDenver 2022 to understand the context of the bounty and collect materials for your infographics
  2. Join “Community group” in Community DAO
  1. Claim bounty + make infographics & post on active social media
  2. Waiting for the community’s decision. Meanwhile, you can also join and vote on all kinds of decisions

Besides, Community DAO does have other fun activities for you to explore, you’re invited to propose a new bounty or claim existing bounties. Kindly visit [Activation] Guildathon @ ETHDenver 2022 for more information.


Thank you for this great bounty, and such a clear explanation!

I’d like to add, there is a proposal to reward contributors who create successful bounty proposals: 33 available claims, 3 NEAR each! Should it be worth less / more?

Guild-a-thon: Calls for Action

How To ~ Bounties: ✨ Astro DAO | NEAR Wiki

Editable Wiki Content


3N/claim sounds reasonable to me, I suggest we reduce the available claims to 15-20 to make room for other bounties. Does it count to the total allocation of 500N?