BeeTogether - Inspired by change!

Guild Name

Guild Leader
Claudiathebee @claudinhabelha


Guild Website

Guild Social Media & Community Channels
Linktree → beetogether_org | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Twitter →
Facebook → Redirecting...
Instagram →
LinkedIn → LinkedIn Login, Sign in | LinkedIn
Reddit → Reddit - Dive into anything

Guild Communication Channels
Telegram → Telegram: Contact @BeeTogetherCommunity

Guild Vision & Mission
We have a vision of a sustainable and climate-friendly interaction between nature and its habitants. Our vision is to create and expand a strong collaboration with organisations (NPO/NGOs) to support the environment in the fast-paced digital world. Our intention is contribution to a cleaner, greener, healthier world, whilst we focus on our natural environment as well as humanity and animals.
Our mission is to support NPO/NGOs with fundraising ideas to develop a sustainable income for all parties concerned. We are open to contemporary ideas and creative inventions, such as working with applications, NFTs and games to address a wide range and in consideration of a positive, yet fun effect. In initiative ways – just as nature.
BeeTogether believe that with a combination of patience, tolerance and resilience, change would manifest in ease and convenience for all.

BeeTogether stands for…
We stand for equality, diversity and giving everyone a chance. The world is full of hidden and wonderful talents that are not seen due to lack of funds. We see them and give them this chance. This way we also manage to do a little bit of awareness work, show possibilities and give everyone the opportunity to create their own future. We are all together!

Let’s partner-up and be(e) together
BeeTogether is about dynamic, effective and positive changes. It is about thriving for saving «something» in a greater cause for our planet.
According to our philosophy, a partnership means building up a strong connection, to grow together and create new ways of thinking, with open-mindedness but professionalism and focus on the common goal.
We are highly motivated to invest our energy, full effort, heart and passion into innovation, with a strong partner from the digital sector and you – Voice Of The Ocean, to join our dedicated mindset. Let us work and be(e) together for a sustainable climate-neutral digital world, where creators and good causes can be supported in win-to-win attitudes.

Why a bee?
The bee embodies togetherness, care, loyalty and life – with a sweet taste. Without bees, there is no life. Bees are playful and curious and yet they do not lose sight of their goal. Neither aggressive nor provocative, yet gallantly guarding their communities. Freely sprinkling through the air, however always diligently following their mission. A spectacular phenomenon of the family and community nature of bees is, for example: To keep the beehive warm, the bees rotate from the inside out and as soon as the outer bees get cold, the second bee moves in from the inside so that everyone can warm up equally . The bees live team work and stand up for each other. They stand closely together whilst overlapping their wings to keep the heat on the frame. More than many other animals bees show us what it means to be loyal, to stand up and take care of each other.
A bee. The embodiment of togetherness. Bee Together.
The above mentioned example of a bees behaviour towards nature and their communities was one of the reasons to the final decision to name this guild BeeTogether. A summary of all that, names the sense of love and strength. And love is what we want to give back to this world. We believe in a world where humanity in its different, colours, cultures and religions live in a respectful, peaceful and sustainable way with nature and animals.
With this strong mind-set and vision, the guild BeeTogether has been founded. To be the change.

Case Studys
BeeTogether focuses on collaborating with organisations to find new ways of doing a fundraiser (E.g. NFT stores, PFP collections, etc.)

Donate Directly NGO/NPO database
BeeTogether invites NPO/NGOs to publish their NEAR wallet on our site (for free) to profit from our marketing communication that will - hopefully - lead to donations towards a greater cause.


Bee Together is an amazing project that already carries out many actions in favor of social causes. Artivist is an enthusiast and partner of this DAO. I’m sure we will accomplish many nice things together :slight_smile:


hi everyone

The BeeTogether Discord Channel is set-up:

There you’ll find all the projects that BeeTogether is working on.


You have always been an advocate for positivity and love :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:… love to see this grow

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Dear @mecsbecs, @erik.near and @community-team

It was a pleasure e-meeting you last week in the guilds-call. It was my first one and very interesting.

I am very happy to introduce you to the BeeTogether guild (more information above).

Today we GO LIVE with another NFT-Store:



I look for new artists who would like to join as an NFT artist and contribute to our stores with social impact.

  • 30 new artists who haven’t a NEAR wallet yet and want to learn more about NEAR and NFTs.
    I can provide NEAR drop-links to make the process easy for them. The NEAR-Drop links contain a low amount to activate the wallet and to mint up to 10 NFTs.

  • payout in unlocked NEAR tokens to your wallet if the task is completed as follows:
    30 USD in unlocked NEAR tokens per 10 artists end of May /
    30 USD in unlocked NEAR tokens per 10 artists end of June
    30 USD in unlocked NEAR tokens per 10 artists end of July
    (Total 90 USD)

  • requirement. A person/artist can only open one NEAR wallet with a NEAR-Drop link of us. Every new near wallet needs to mint at least 3 artpieces in our store Uthando or Voice of the Oceans (or in both).

  • the artists need to fill in the registration form:

  • the artists need to join the following channels:
    Telegram Telegram: Contact @BeeTogetherCommunity


This is so cool, I’m going to share it with my community :white_heart::heartpulse:

Awesome, thank you @larkim … you can tell them to approach me first. I can give the job only to 1 or 2 people for now :slight_smile:

1 Like

Okayy . I will do that

BeeTogether launched a new project - keen to join as an NFT artist? … get in contact with us via our channel Telegram: Contact @BeeTogetherCommunity

Project South American Initiative (SAINGO)
South American Initiative (SAINGO) is a U.S. based non-profit organization working to help orphanages, hospital patients , abandoned pets and zoo animals in South America.


30% saingo.near
15% beetogether.near
55% your personal NEAR wallet
ROYALTIES (max 20%)
5% saingo.near
5% beetogether.near
10% your personal NEAR wallet)

More information about SAINGO
BeeTogether Discord:
SAI Website:
SAI Twitter:
SAI Facebook: Redirecting...
SAI Instagram: Login • Instagram

Hello Artists :honeybee:

BeeTogether is excited to announce an exciting new collaborative project - the Bee Collective Honeycomb!

We are going to make a buzz like no other, whilst creating a beehive of activity with a unique collection of NFTs from our artists. This is going to be(e) a great opportunity to promote everyone’s profile and share your art to a wider audience.

We invite you to create unique NFTs that will lead to a diverse and unique honeycomb composed of all the different NFTs. This means that all the created NFTs by you - the artists - will then be put together into one NFT/artwork by us.
This collective honeycomb NFT will go on sale in the BeeTogether store on Mintbase which results in your art piece being shown twice:

  • in the store of your choice as a single NFT (minted by you)
  • in the BeeTogether store as part of the honeycomb (minted by us)

Find out how to participate here:


Hey @dandelionshoneybees look here what a good opportunity to join forces, and I already make it available for my bounty NFTs to participate here too.

:bell: New Store Announcement!

Addiction Treatment for Youth, Adults & Families located in Canada’s most vibrant and successful Recovery Community that builds Recovery Capital.
Last Door’s mission is the provision of supportive, therapeutic environments where individuals and families experiencing problematic substance use can get support and guidance while restoring their mental, spiritual, physical and emotional health.

:honeybee::honeybee::honeybee: NFT store: Last Door Recovery Society on Mintbase

:honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:Join our community Telegram: Contact @BeeTogetherCommunity

:honeybee::honeybee::honeybee: More information here


Who would like to take on some “jobs” for the BeeTogether community?

Onboarding Artists (with existing NEAR wallet)

  • onboarding of 6 new artists who will fill in the artist registration form:
  • the new artists need to mint at least 2 NFTs (in the store of choice - from BeeTogether)
  • 2 NEAR
  • Deadline 31.10.2022
  • 5 people can accept the job
  • Please send an email to with the list of near-wallets that you onboarded and with the link from their Mintbase profile so we can check the minted NFTs.

Onboarding Artists (with new NEAR wallet)

  • onboarding of 6 new artists who will fill in the artist registration form:
  • the new artists need to mint at least 4 NFTs (in the store of choice - from BeeTogether)
  • 5 NEAR
  • Deadline 31.10.2022
  • 5 people can accept the job
  • Please send an email to with the list of near-wallets that you onboarded and with the link from their Mintbase profile so we can check the minted NFTs and if they registered properly through the registration form. If the new artists are really new in the ecoystem, we will help you with initial funding of their wallets. Let’s discuss this though via email.

Onboarding Charity

  • onboarding a charity to do a NFT fundraising project with us
  • the charity needs to have an official legal entity (proof of existence = government registration) and fills in our business-partner form that I can provide to you
  • 10 NEAR
  • Deadline 31.10.2022
  • Please reach out to to get the official registration form for charities.

Creating an Art-Collection for paras

  • creating an NFT or a PFP collection of at least 30 pieces
  • split revenue and royalties: your wallet + beetogether.near + charity.near (of your choice)
  • 3 NEAR
  • Deadline 30.11.2022
  • 5 people can accept the job
  • Please post the collection on BeeTogether Telegram, BeeTogeher Discord, Telegram Paras, make a Thread/Tweet on Twitter and posts on Facebook, Instagram. Please tag BeeTogether as well as the charity.

Creating an Art-Collection for uniqart

  • creating an NFT or a PFP collection of at least 30 pieces
  • split revenue and royalties: your wallet + beetogether.near + charity.near (of your choice)
  • 3 NEAR
  • Deadline 30.11.2022
  • 5 people can accept the job
  • Please post the collection on BeeTogether Telegram, BeeTogeher Discord, Telegram Paras, make a Thread/Tweet on Twitter and posts on Facebook, Instagram. Please tag BeeTogether as well as the charity.

Discord Manager

  • engaging/interacting with community members
  • onboard new artists (at least 6 new followers/artists a months who will mint something for one of our social projects)
  • reach more followers (at least 25 per month - 10 out of 25 need to be engaging/active in the community in one way or another)
  • building a second sophisticated bot (before joining the server, accepting values, etc.)
  • education to Claudia & Jon how to implement a bot in general
  • USD 100 a month
  • Temporary Job until the end of the year
  • if you like to have a job, please send us an email to with your CV and short description about yourself and how you would like to work with BeeTogether. Please include some ideas on:
    How to onboard more charities and help them raising funds?
    What is your specific experience?
    What are your main skills?
    Where are you from? Are you already part of our community?
    How do you think you can push BeeTogether forward?
    How will you promote it? What would your strategy be?
    What do you like about BeeTogether?
    How do you identify yourself with BeeTogether? Where is the connection?
    And will you be an NFT artist too?
    How do you see the potential of BeeTogether?

Content writing for Articles, etc.

  • Text 1: Fundraising with NFTs for charities (+/- 4000 characters including spaces)
  • Text 2: how we can support organisations with social and environmental impact in Web3
  • Text 3: target client “investors/donors/sponsors” → with your investment you not only invest in your portfolio and its potential growth, you invest in way more than that. You invest in humanity, nature and animals. With your investment in humanity, you invest in education and therefore in a good economic system → the text should have the investor in focus!
  • Text 4: how does NEAR Protocol profit from a project like BeeTogether. What is the influence in regard to the carbon-neutral-topic of NEAR? How does BeeTogether amplify that strategy of NEAR? Where are synergies? How does NEAR, the individual artists, BeeTogether and the “social organisation” profit from it (beyond revenue and royalties)?
  • Deadline 20.10.2022
  • USD 50.- paid in unlocked NEAR tokens (50.- per text)

Social Media Manager Support/Assistant
The social media manager will act in the name of BeeTogether and needs to follow the internal “tone of voice” and “branding guidelines”!


  • commenting posts
  • Liking posts
  • Drop our NFT stores and our NFT-URL-links in other people comments who say - for example “drop your NFT here - I invest today”
  • post/drop our NFT-URL-Links to famous NFT buyers (via DM or into comments)
  • follow people who liked/commented our posts
  • reaching out to other communities via DM to collaborate
  • reaching out to NEAR communities/countries like #nearnigeria #nearbrasil etc. and start engaging with them
  • answer DM (in the beginning check content with Jon or Claudia)
  • organising Twitter Spaces and invite Jon, Elias, Claudia to do it
  • interacting with “famous NFT artists” to motivate them to create for BeeTogether and our charities (creating super fans)
  • interacting with “famous NFT buyers” to create a call-of-action so that they invest in our NFTs and donate to charities
  • Retweet & Quote Retweet (with @ and #) 2 a day
  • Together with Jon prepare a list which AMAs and other communities could be valuable for us to collab. Tag them in posts, etc.
  • The Social Media Manager (Jon) will also delegate some small tasks to you.


  • Join 20 different facebook NFT (NEAR) groups
  • share our charity work in those groups
  • post some NFTs in those groups
  • bring 25 new followers


  • comment our posts
  • like our posts
  • engage with people, tag other artists in comments to empower the algorithm
  • bring 30 new followers


  • comment our posts
  • like our posts
  • engage with people, tag other artists in comments to empower the algorithm
  • Share the posts
  • reach out to at least 3 charities a week and introduce BeeTogether
  • With Jons lead decide about posts/content
  • bring 20 more followers

Job-Timeline: 1 month, renewable after a monthly review/conversation
USD 100.- a month

If you like to have one of the jobs, please send an email to

  • add Subject: “copy the title of the job”
    –>and we will answer you with clear instructions, material ec. to start the job!

BeeTogether is part of the NEAR milestones grant program. The bounties/jobs will be paid in unlocked NEAR tokens if the tasks/goals are fulfilled.

Looking forward to hear from you :wink:



Good evening Claudia, I’d like to ask a few questions.

How do we get the new members to open a new near wallet account?,i don’t see a link for that and the discord manager category, the bots, that’s being requested for, you want it made from scratch or an already made one that just needs to be added and configured?

Hi @Emmayu

Thank you for reaching out and your very good question :slight_smile:

If you like to do the job “Artist Onboarding” I will send you an instruction via email how to do it and how the steps are.

BeeTogether will provide some “near-drop-links” so it is easy for the artist to create a wallet. We will give you all the instructions you need to onboard them.

Yes artist onboarding also, I have artists interested in joining

Thank you

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I sent you an email. thank you so much.

Is this still available?

Who are the mentioned members?

Do you mean new discord members?

Do I understand correctly, that you are proposing to build a special discord bot basicaly for free?