August Cultural Event C1 proposal

I kicked off my management role with the NEAR on boarding reality seminar with @Dedeukwu spearheading the event.

Following the success of the NEAR on boarding reality seminar, I am presenting a proposal for onboarding cultural communities.

The idea is to onboard the communities and gift them near wallets.

Royal Cultural events and festivities will be filmed, minted in the C1 store and these communities will receive royalties due to them.

I request 300 near for this project.


50 near for video editing

50 near for filming

20 near for local guide

100 near for accommodation

80 near for transportation cost

@Dedeukwu @JCB


Looks amazing @MYKHEL can’t wait to see what you come up with!


Awesome, traditional cultural community reach would be an epic way to stay different in our Mintbase store :mechanical_arm: