In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:
Proposal Near - Artemis
Report week 2 of month 2 E-learning Artemis
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano. @Cristian
Project members
Maria Gutierrez - Marialegg.near
Jorge Cuauro - Jorgeluiscuauro.near
Juan Ochando - Jochando.near
Goals achieved in week 2 of month 2
Changes were made in the vue of the instructor screen, which allows creating a new course, where the structure of the course creation process was modified, where the loading of pdf files is already carried out and the videos are uploaded as part of the content of the course, the preview screen of the course was designed.
A function was created to be able to upload several files to ipfs at the same time, as part of loading the content of a course, where an array with all the files is sent and they are uploaded to ipfs.
A function was made in the contract, where the near user is placed and directs to the courses created by that user, this to allow that every time the instructor enters with his user, he can see the published courses.
The entire course creation process was carried out, where the information of the course descriptions, the content, the course categories and the price of the course is already stored. Once the course is successfully created, go to the instructor window.