Artemis - elerning / Month 2 Week 1 - from May 02 to May 06

In reference to our proposal, mentioned here:

Proposal Near - Artemis
Report week 1 of month 2 E-learning Artemis

Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano. @Cristian

Project members
Maria Gutierrez - Marialegg.near
Jorge Cuauro - Jorgeluiscuauro.near
Juan Ochando - Jochando.near

Goals achieved in week 1 of month 2

The layout was made in view of the instructor’s screen that allows selecting the option to create a new course.

In the creation screen of a new course, it is unified using a step-by-step component, which allows the options to load the course content, name, category and price to be grouped in a single screen.

The ipfs web3 storage was implemented, the server was created in Node js, to execute the ipfs, it is a server that will be working separately, which receives an image or file and uploads it to the ipfs, where the response it returns is a link of the ipfs.

The create categories screen now allows you to store in the contract the name and the link returned by the node server when uploading the image to ipfs

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