For the Mintbase mainnet launch, we are creating a virtual NFT experience and connecting it with the physical festival Wilde Moehre (Berlin) this summer.
There are 5 festival editions this year:
Firletanz 15.07-19.07. (Nate and I are planning to go to the first one)
Seelenschaukel 22.07.-26.07.
Klimperkiste 05.08.-09.08.
Maskenball 12.08.-16.08.
Lusatia 26.08.-30.08.
The hybrid project is called Wildeverse and we launched our first VR party on 8th of June. Throughout June, we have 4 events in Somnium Space and Cryptovoxels and leading up to the festival.
wildeverse | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
We received approx. $50,000 (7700 N tokens at that time) in NEAR. Here is the explorer. Here you can find the budgeting sheet. We spent N very conservatively to leave room for the physical setup. We now have 6,316 NEAR left that is approximately $18,000. Because of that, we are running into budgeting issues.
We requested NEAR for the following tasks:
Building the actual on-site (NFTea-room and NFT dark room photobooth) where tokens can be claimed and it is streamed from the festival to the virtual site (approx $20-30k): Construction of the site, technical equipment etc
partly built
2 or 3 people to build reconstruction of the festival in Cryptovoxels - Executed and paid half
2 or 3 people to build reconstruction of the festival in Somnium Space- Executed and paid half
1 person to help with the streams - Felix Niemeyer (at festival)
2,3 people to onboard and mint NFTs for DJs, artists etc and set up a professional NFT market. Do guided art gallery tours in VR - set up by Carolin​
Token Drops at the VR build that can be redeemed for physical items (drink/food) at the festival- not yet
Influencers/ Moderation
1,2 people from the NEAR team to push content, collaborations etc
NEAR token drops in VR and physical event - not yet
re-build a physical NEARxMintbase space at the festival - under construction
June-September: Building of physical location at festival that is connected with the virtual counterpart. Workshops during the festival about NFTs and how creators can use NFTs to market themselves - in progress
The festival is 1 month away and we recalculated and refactured projects that are important and absolutely necessary for the success of the project.
Streaming Setup Wildeschreck - $12.000: We will be livestreaming the stage and streaming it into our VR spaces on Somnium Space and Cryptovoxels. After each event, we will create special moments as NFT and sell them on Mintbase or give part of the NFTs away to festival guests as a forever memory. NEAR is also welcome to use the content on their channels.
Rental for NFT house: $7000:
2 Monitor: Panasonic TH-55LFV6W
2 Beamer: Epson EB-L400U
We will stream into VR and have people minting NFTs on a screen
Telefon Tower (Internet) - $11.000: Internet is absolutely necessary for the success of the project and that NFTs can be minted and traded. In the NFT house, beer will be buyable with NEAR.
Wildeverse NFT house decoration - $5500: we are building a brain and the NFThouse from scratch. Unfortunately, wood prices have gone up by 20%
VR Headset: $250: We want to connect the oculus rift to Cryptovoxels and Somnium Space for festival guests to experience the VR NFT galleries.
Tech Equipment 2 laptops & Camera $3000: We need 2 laptops to let festival guests mint NFTs. After the festivals, the VR headset and the laptops will be sent to Lisnode, the new coworking space by NEAR, Gnosis and Mintbase in Lisbon.
Cryptovoxels & Somnium Space builders $4000: Serste and Natural Warp second payment after execution of building and hosting events
Total amount: $42750
We have 6,316N left = $ 18316 on June 10th.
We would like to ask for $24,434 in NEAR tokens (depending on the exchange rate).
If you have any questions, please let me know