This illustration was done in 5 hours, with concept development, sketch, filling, details, repetitions and background an exclusive style.
I request as a 7Nears bounty.
The funds will provide for the idealisation and actualisation of the artwork, its minting and on mintbase with 80/20 share, and 100/100 royalties in favour of the MarmaJ foundation.
I am open to negotiations. I hope to contribute to the project. Grateful
Hello and thank you for your proposal. This proposal can stay here, but will not be approved until you have been selected as a minter on the marmaj mintbase store. Also, the marmaj DAO does not distribute NEAR payouts, only payouts in marmaj tokens.
Feel free, but there is no need. You can mint the piece yourself now that you have been added as a minter. If you have any questions, please reach out in our telegram chat: Telegram: Contact @marmajdao