Project Name: Ready Layer One Podcast
Link: Ready Layer One • A podcast on Anchor
Funding: Quarterly
Two long time friends have a weekly podcast about what is going on in the crypto world, specifically within NEAR. Joe, a software architect and developer, tries to guide listeners on the technical side of crypto. Jared looks at the community, narratives, branding, and adoption side of crypto. Their calls cover current topics on the technology, community, and economics of cryptocurrency and Web3 through the lens of the NEAR ecosystem.
Team (Hosts):
Jared is a content creator and crypto investor. Starting his crypto journey in early 2017 he learned a lot from the ICO boom and bust cycle, followed by the multiyear bear market. Today he focuses on web3 and NFTs. He’s the director of video for a tech company in NYC. For the past 10 years he’s been focused on marketing content that amplifies the brand strategy and delivers the content globally for marketing and social media teams.
Joe is a software developer and architect with over 15 years in the web2 space. He started with crypto back in 2017 as well and began tinkering with web3 and NEAR in 2021. His day job currently is as an integration architect for a global software development company but is working to move to web3. He provides the technical viewpoints on the podcast and will serve as tech lead for any Ready Layer One related projects.
Social Links: twitter
This will help promote the NEAR ecosystem through giving those within the ecosystem a chance to tell their story and be part of a recorded history of NEAR. We also believe that we can become a positive voice in the community to help educate newcomers and current users on what is happening in the NEAR ecosystem and how to make the best of their experience.
We have been active in the podcast space and already recorded 16 episodes and released 15. We aim for at least 1 per week. Both Jared and Joe have been active on Twitter help promoting different projects and initiatives in the NEAR ecosystem as well in various Discords.
We have an initial website rlopodcast dot com and readylayerone dot tech where we will be adding educational content (infographics, videos, etc) and our development projects for the community.
Success measurements:
Success for us will be both listeners (per episode and across all) and community engagement. For community engagement, we will try to measure the reach of our show/content on social media channels and qualitative feedback on the work we are doing.
We believe our endeavor will be successful since we are passionate about NEAR, podcasting, and community engagement. Our two different perspectives help add color to every conversation. Additionally, with our different backgrounds in marketing and software, we are well equipped to develop and execute a roadmap that includes content creation, marketing, and product development.
As a great example of how we see the podcast both as a benefit to the community to inform them on what is happening in the ecosystem, as well as a recorded history please see our latest episode with the NEARnauts project co-founder E15 NEARNauts and Astroverse Collective with co-founder Donny Chakras by Ready Layer One
Funding Requests: 2000 USD ~142N at the time of this post
We are looking for a grant to support the next month of episode creation:
- at least 4 episodes 2000 USD (500 per episode) - at least 1 episode released per week (similar to what we have done so far)
- time for research & recording - this includes recording equipment, software
- editing
- promotion - this also includes costs for marketing/education collateral
DAO: ready-layer-one.sputnik-dao.near
Wallet: readylayerone.near - Owned by Jared & Joe