We are on-boarding 2 fashion designers to make 2 ankara or campala wears and designs each,
The digital version of the design of the wears are gonna be minted
we are funding them in NEAR for the
Materials needed:
6 yards of Ankara makes a wear (6 yards $150)
6 yards multiplied by 4 = $600
workmanship $200 each for 2 artisans = $400
Total: $1000
minting them as NFTs With the creator’s wallet addresses opened for them,
Once the NFT is sold, the collectors can have the physical collectibles of the NFTs.
It can be shipped anywhere across the world to collectors!
hey! great to meet with your proposal
we also doing fashion project
and in the end of May we plan to invite everyone who does something same
to grow the idea of NEAR Fashion into a Fashion DAO
let’s stay in touch