[Approved and paid ] January - Onboard DAO Funding Results

[Announcing ] January - Onboard DAO Funding Results

Submission Period

The following is to outline requests approved for January Funding as outlined at

As a Wallet Builder ecosystem, we witness a shift in narrative to Chain Abstraction, the 1 year awaited transition of wallet.near.org, the emergence of meme tokens + inscriptions, and more ethereum alignment.

List of Approved Proposals:

As outlined in the approved proposal [Approved] NDC V1 January Application from OnboardDAO | HOM-004P-1-1-1 Ecosystem

Onboard DAO request January
Description Amount
Innovation Fund $15,000
Wallet.near.org design, development, and matinenace $5,000
Token Scam List Registry & Integration $2,000
Wallet Native Features for Wallet Teams $6,500
Metamask Snap Onboarding NFT Campaign $1,500
Account Onboarding Costs $200
ODAO operations $5,000
Renumeration (1) $1000
Renumeration (1) $1000
Renumeration (1) $1000
Renumeration $1000
Renumeration (1) $1000
Total: $20.200

Metamask SNAP onboarding campaign

Justification: Metamask Snap is a way to enforce Ethereum alignment, bolster NFT ecosystem and onboard people to other wallets in th ecosystem, HERE Wallet has utilized name accounts, metatransactions, and wallet export in order to easily onboard users from metamask for toher users

Redesign, Development Maintenance for Wallet.near.org page as wallet portal

Justification: As the wallet transition happened, there is still a need for Pagoda to keep this page up to reroute to other pages as it remains as a high SEO page for wallets in the NEAR ecosystem. We have been maintaining a wallet features list spreadsheet however we need this integrated into a landing page. Features include

  • Insights onto the usage of wallets through external statistics and exploring how this can be done through wallets selector.
  • All wallet features
  • Ability to add wallet
  • Resources on NEAR native wallet features like NEAR’s account model
  • Link to Wallet builder communities & support channels

This is a project we will be collaborating with Pagoda to more clearly define requirements and be working with different builders across the Onboard DAO ecosystem. This has been something we have been discussing for a year except we as Onboard DAO are best equipped to pool developer resources to make this happen.

Cross Wallet collaboration for Token Scam list

Justification: As the bull run approaches, an issue we are having as an ecosystem is an emergence of wallet phishing links through NFT and tokens. Independently wallet teams like meteor and HERE Wallet have been building silo’d implementations

This is a project in which active wallet teams will collaborate on and integrate in a global scam token list and registry. Conversations can be found in the Wallet builder group. In the future this can also integrate to detect suspicious contract addresses, and also link to audits (we are also maintaining audit list)

Wallet native features

Justification: Considering NDC Wallet WG will be supporting 2 native wallet features, as Wallet builders we believe that we need to be fairer by incentivizing existing wallet teams to build more wallet features. This will be allocated to motivate wallet teams like MyNEARMobile Wallet, Welldone Wallet, Mintbase Wallet, Nightly, Sender wallet to build more native wallet features that exemplify. This will be awarded retroactively through our inbound request form once features are integrated.

Wallet Native Features include: ability to rotate keys, metatransactions, support of names accounts, NEAR social integrations, subaccount, chain abstraction to name a few.

List of Proposals

We did not put out comms around the inbound proposal due to confusion for NDC on which month funding this was. We had been previously approved for November - January, then we were approved in proposal for funding for January - March, however the approval only stated january. We had not received the funding in the DAO even to this point, based on the sentiment. Most of these items are from conversations with NDC, Wallet builder calls, and overall ecosystem pain points that need to be immediately addressed.

Next month we will be marketing more towards external builders. Things like social auth, account aggregation, chain signatures, and new concepts is somethings we are interested in. Additionally Currently Chain Abstraction Hackathon is going on and will give a clearer picture and bigger in bound for new teams building wallet concepts.


Other proposals

Funding Procedures:

Funding will be done on a rolling basis based on allocated item buckets. Details can be found at OnBoard DAO


KYC is required for all applicants and the guide will be provided by HoM and Ops team

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